“Poncy Man”, as it turned out, was an elegantly dressed business man in a finely embroidered red [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisht_%28clothing%29]Bisht[/URL], a long well-groomed grey beard and a weathered face that had seen countless seasons and hardships. However, the man sported a warm smile and extended his arms outwards towards his guests. “My friends, welcome to Helgathe, the finest city in the West. I can see that you are fatigued and famished, and be assured that this will be remedied shortly. But first, please accompany me to what will be your first of many steps taken in my fine city” He ushered them towards a side room with floor cushions arranged in a crescent. As the group found themselves situated, the gruff looking Redguard who had opened the door and a couple others came in bearing trays with silver pitchers of water and matching goblets. The man stood in the center of the group, beaming. “I seem to have forgotten my manners. I am Darak Mashad, council member of the Merchant Guild of Helgathe. This means that it falls to me and seven others to manage aspects of the city’s local economy and market places. Unlike other cities, we seem to have found a beneficial working relationship amongst each other by relying on one another’s expertise to buy, produce, distribute and sell goods to benefit the city itself over an individual enterprise.” He made a gesture by wiggling his fingers on one hand. “Several individuals may find success alone, but a twist of fate can break them easily, like a finger. But together, working for mutual benefit, we are stronger and much more capable than if we went with our own devices. This leads to an increased ability to serve, keep prices competitive, obtain rare stock… and information.” His eyes lit up, hoping his audience was following his train of thought. He gestured to a map behind him of the city. “Indeed, when the dwemer came, there was seldom a second look thrown at the Merchant Guild. And why would they? The public trusts and depends on us, and we are a big reason that the city is as affordable as it is. If one is to occupy a province, they need to disrupt life as little as possible for the populace, as contented people are far less likely to take risks with their lives and their family’s lives. The dwemer have been very good at this, although heavy handed at times. It is because of that that you are sitting here before an old man prattling on.” He smiled apologetically before continuing. “What I wish to convey is that the Merchant Guild, while not officially a part of the resistance, knows that this occupation is more harmful than helpful. Much of our wealth comes from other provinces and that simply does not occur with the shipping lanes blockaded and the borders closed. In public, we are supportive of our occupiers, but in private we will aid in whichever way we can to return our lives to the way they were meant to be. And so, while you stay in Helgathe, you will present a special coin to any shop keep in a store and they will provide you shelter and food, as well as information of any open contracts that the Insurgency has left for its membership. We are all trusting you to use disgression and not to lead ruin to the doorstep of any who offer their aid. There is much at risk in harbouring felons and fugitives, no?” Darak said, producing a coin purse from one of his longer sleeves and tossing it to Gorzath. “Please take one of those coins and pass them around. They are your key to this city, and perhaps for survival. Now, onto the first order of business!” the old Redguard boomed, clapping his hands together as he approached the map. He indicated to locations as he spoke. “You are here, in the West End of Helgathe in the basement of my shop, Mashad Textiles. The Insurgency has discovered something of great interest. The captain of the city guard, a collaborator named Doshin Ismal, has become something of a complacent man. His servitude to Governor Rourken has made him rather influential and wealthy, and his authority has been grossly abused. Many are arrested without cause or worse. Prior to the occupation, he was a miserable man in an unenviable position. It’s become all too clear he was never meant to be in a position of authority. The dwemer want people who are pliable to their interests, and Ismal is certainly that kind of person. His death will be a key to unravelling the guards of Helgathe, a force made up of collaborators and apologists. Without organization, their ability to subdue the populace will be reduced, and it will force the dwemer to be much more active in the affairs of the city, diverting their attention from more important matters. “Ismal makes a show of responding to disturbances with a large show of force, which is key to exposing him. To have the remaining guards in the station reduced to a more manageable number for an assassin to slip and out without issue, there will have to be quite a disturbance. Some of you may wish to rile the population or otherwise cause a large enough disturbance that forces Ismal to dispatch most of the guards he has in reserve for such instances. No one has dared raise a hand against him while he’s on the dwemer payroll. People in the city have too much to lose, given their families.” he indicated to the map, to a semi-isolated building to the Northern end of the city, a few blocks from the palace. “This is the guard station, and to the East is the palace. You can be certain of a swift response if you do not proceed with care, so be sure those of you who take interest in this task be slight of foot and patient. “A final thing of interest is a few blocks to the Southeast there is a detention center that is holding several public dissenters as well as insurgents, both suspected and in fact. It would be a great boon to the cause if you were to orchestrate a prison break. The particulars of this are up to you, as there is not much information about the location other than most of the cells are kept underground, in something akin to a dungeon, and there appears to be two shifts of the same guards. Attempts have been made before, so they are somewhat alert.” Darak said, sounding somewhat apologetic. He brushed his hand aside theatrically. “That about covers it for now, you must be weary from your travels. The guards and the dwemer have no reason to suspect you just yet, so please feel free to see the sights and take in the city at your leisure. The safe houses are the only guaranteed secure places to remain for the night, but many insurgents have been known to make use of public inns, which are far more comfortable and accommodating. You’ll each be given a reward for contract completion, but for now, we have prepared a purse for each of you with 70 Septims each. This should tide you over until you begin conducting your affairs in Helgathe, and by all means, do enjoy it! It is a wondrous city, even with this damned occupation. Make sure to stop by the various merchants when you are in search of contracts, even if they do not have anything, it is good to have them become acquainted with your faces. “If you do not have any pressing questions, please make yourselves at home. I need to return to my business; my wife is running the shop right now, and I can only be pretending to be getting stock out of the back for so long.” The old Redguard said with a smile. “I welcome you all to my city; it is a pleasure to have the opportunity to meet such esteemed warriors and heroes.” He bowed with genuine warmth and made to depart up the stairs once more. Before reaching the landing, he turned once more. “Your personal effects are being sent to a warehouse down the street from the shop. It has a Merchant Guild symbol, the same anvil of Zenithar and scale as the coins you were given, on the front. Present the coin to be granted admission. There will also be other equipment available to you for different jobs. I do urge you to be conspicuous. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask the others. I will be down once more after my shop closes, but until then, please make yourselves at home.” With that, Darak Mashad disappeared from sight, his red bisht flowing behind him.