Athena was [i]frustrated[/i], to say the least. What was the use of taking magic classes that aren't your strongest affinity? She didn't know. She thought it better to be stronger at one specific thing than weak in multiple. Looking around the room, it was easy to tell the earth affinities from the rest of them, as they were excelling dramatically. She could barely grow a single flower, let alone twisty vines and grass. The girl had originally thought that earth classes would've been held outside, but instead they were indoors, using their desks as a substitute for the ground. Not taking well to her failure, the girl firmly planted her head on the desk. "[color=f49ac2]Ugghhhhhh, kill me now[/color]." She groaned, not really caring who heard. Although usually she wouldn't do such a gesture, all her cares were tossed out of the nearest window. "[color=f49ac2]Stupid earth magic, stupid stupid stupid.[/color]" She muttered under her breath, balling her fists up and keeping her head firmly planted on her desk, oblivious to the small area of air around her getting colder. She couldn't [i]wait[/i] to get to training after this. She needed a healthy outlet for her frustration, and she'd heard they'd be working on moves they'll need with their dragons; To protect the eggs and then help and protect their dragons. Athena hadn't known about dragons and their rider until she found her egg, but that was a different story for a different time.