[hider=Pawn Take King]Hah. The good ol' chess-game with death, with a twist. You sure managed to raise quite the impressive atmosphere. There's quite an amount of minor typos that were slightly distracting, but I'm going to ignore those. It was somewhat obvious what was going on, considering the description that went into said queen and such. It kind of made Death appear to be an idiot rather than make the other individual seem like a genius. But still. I applaud the atmosphere. I do wonder a little bit about the ”in turn for their good will” part of the challenge parameters, but eh! Nicely done. I like this one. Haha.[/hider] [hider=The Song]Holmishire, are you reading this? THIS is how you write a continuation of previous entries! This works just EXCELLENTLY as the start of its own entry, yet it also quite excellently makes references that make the remember EXACTLY what happened in the previous text! Granted, it's a little unfair since WiseDragonGirl's little universe here is so dang memorable, BUT STILL! Even if it hadn't read the previous entry, I still would have known exactly what was going on! You'd just have to have done THIS once for every entry you brought into your collective entry! … Which might have dragged it out a little longer than what would be comfortable, but with so many worlds coinciding, A BIT OF LENGTH IS T BE EXPECTED! XD Phew. Yeah. Um, where was I? Oh, yeah, I was reviewing THIS entry. Alright. Excellent beginning, if I didn't make that clear. Now, let me read the rest of it. Thorough. Classy. Brutally efficient and to the point. This is how you make a guy evil, intelligent and likable at the same time. Bravo. I'd say you got this in the bag. I have no criticism to give. Hahaha. … Then again. I do have to wonder about the ”in turn for their good will” part of the labour. Hm. Eh. We'll see what happens. Haha.[/hider] [hider=Just Take A Stroll]I'm pretty proud of this. We'll see what the judges think. Haha. … … … … … [hider=(Not for judges to read before judging)]... Shit. ”In turn for their good will”... Their good will wasn't intended for Aaron. They were just trying to defend themselves. … WELL, IT MIGHT STILL COUNT AS GOOD WILL, THEY WERE GOOD WILLING TO SAVE THEIR OWN LIVES, AND SAVED AARON ALONG WITH THE REST OF THEIR OWN KIND! They were repaid with pain for their unknowing good services to humanity! That might still qualify! Hahahahaha- damn. Why was there STILL a tiny bloody detail that MIGHT derail my whole train!? Geesh...[/hider][/hider] [hider=The Silver Bullet]Well. Um. Dunno about being used as a tool. I recognize that Albiorn killed the individual who saved his life, but... Due to lack of clarification at the end of it, I don't really know if this was truly someone's plot or not. What proof do we have that Ulfarr didn't attack in cold blood, and hence kind of had the shot that killed him coming? Now, it's entirely possible this was a plot by someone, but I have to mention that we don't really have any proof that this is necessarily the case. There were also a few notable typos in this story, and with this abrupt ending... Did you run out of time? Still. Otherwise, I rather like the atmosphere you set up, here. I also like the characters. They're likable, with clear traits and intentions, and I always like that in a story. So I liked the story, despite the inevitable end it was approaching, which felt like it appeared way too quickly. Nicely done.[/hider] And now... [i]gestures with pipe towards [@mdk] before putting it back in his mouth[/i] Now's the time for you...