[center][h2]Lord Krunk's Quarters[/h2] [sub][b]A furious ball of stupidity.[/b][/sub][/center] Upon entering the massive tower, it was revealed to be pretty much entirely hollow. The roof was so far off that it was almost impossible to make out the brick patterns above them. The walls were smooth with only a few windows that sat several feet below the roof. It looked almost as if the entire tower was a hollow storage area, without storage! The building was at least 30-40 meters wide and long, if not more, which seemed totally CRAZY! Why would there be so much spa- [color=gray]"These three idgits!?"[/color] Lord Krunk bellowed from behind his massive flattened helmet. He was round, just as his soldiers and generals. But unlike them, the leader of the Krunk legion was MASSIVE! He stood about 15 feet tall, had a massive boulder-like set of dark grey armor with a fancy 'K' Engraved in the center of his chest. General Spike turned to face the intruders, smiling under his helmet. [color=gray]"General Spike, Tell me dat dese little wimps aint responsible, dats unbelievable! Impossible! They're... They're so tiny!!"[/color] "I'm afraid so, Lord Krunk," Spike affirmed, arming his wrist cannons. General Krunk was still... Uh... S-Sit...ting? Yeah, sitting. Sitting in a throne made of stone, rounded to fit his gigantic metal ass. He soon struggled to his feet though, standing with a couple of heavy 'stomps' that lightly shook the floor. [color=gray]"You dimwits! You Danged Dumb-asses! Who da hell do you think you are bargin' in here and killin' off mah men?"[/color]