[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Avalon%20Middleton&name=Sweetly%20Broken.ttf&size=75&style_color=3EE077[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Zcvdfae.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Keats and Will's Dorm -> The Roof [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Keats [@Lasrever] | Brook [@Jay Kalton] | Samantha [@HushedWhispers] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Furious -> Annoyed[/center] [hr] The arrival of Brook had really shook up her plans. She hadn't come down there wanting a physical confrontation, but she had been ready to fight Keats just in case. She knew she wouldn't be able to take both of them though, in a verbal fight or a physical one. She was outnumbered, which meant she needed to retreat and regroup, but not without throwing down a few more insults. [color=springgreen][b]"Keats, the only person at this school who wants to get into your pants is Eliza Doolittle here, and I don't think that counts, seeing as how she's probably fucked her way through most of you Delphinas. If my power was as useless as hers though, I guess I'd need a bit of a self esteem boost every now and then,"[/b][/color] she said, smirking with renewed confidence. She then looked Keats in the eye, her smirk falling into a scowl. [color=springgreen][b]"You have until midnight tonight to fix my room, or I will sure as all hell make sure you regret ever stepping foot onto my campus? Do we have a deal?"[/b][/color] She spun around and stormed out, shoving Brook out of her way with a snarl. She couldn't stand these people, walking around like they owned the god damn place. And if it was a war they wanted, then she would give them a war. She stormed up the stairs and onto the roof to find Sammie waiting for her, already setting up. [color=springgreen][b]"Sorry I'm late. I was dealing with a wannabe prankster. But, now that I'm here, lets make this place look amazing,"[/b][/color] she said, grinning as she began helping her friend. [color=springgreen][b]"Oh! How'd it go with Will? Tell me everything![/b][/color] she said, an excited look on her face as she prepared to dig deep into her friends' first date together.