[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/WGOE8nm.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BeAPN6X.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/XigPzrI.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nARd0lA.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/h7HraeH.jpg[/img] [color=#b53389][b]Location;[/b][/color] Outside → Minako Slater's Room [color=ffb7c5][b]Interacting With;[/b][/color] Each Other [sub]([@lovely complex])[/sub] [color=#b53389][b]Mood;[/b][/color] Unstable → Soothing herself → Back to normal → Curiosity → Pain round 2 → Unbelievably compelled → Satisfied [color=ffb7c5][b]Mood;[/b][/color] Nervous -> Uncertain -> Embarrassed -> Repentant -> Confident -> Nervous/aroused -> uncertain/worried -> Relaxed -> [b]VERY[/b] Aroused -> Confident -> Uncertain -> Determined -> Bashful -> Surprised/Happy -> Aroused [/center][hr] [indent]People’s words faded away as Gianna Daniels closed her eyes fighting the heated pheromones from rushing out of her. [i]Breathe in, breathe out[/i]. If it weren’t for Cecilia Lovelace, every person in the vicinity, let's say in a 20 ft to 35 ft radius, depending on how much Gia extended her soul to spread her scent, would feel an unbearable sadness that most people have yet to experience. If they did, they’ve had time to cover up the pain temporarily like her-- well, that is until someone awakens these surpassed feelings. Suffering and pain led people to act out in ways they never knew they were capable of and she didn’t need that. No, not right now. The amount of chaos and death Gia could cause was tremendous if she didn’t put a ‘lid on it’ (or in other words, contain her emotions). Gradually opening her eyes, she noticed Brenna and the rest of her original group had left. Taking small steps, she slowly followed behind the Asian girl who did this to her. As she walked, keeping her heartbeat at a steady rate, the bronze skinned woman reached into her purse and took out pills that were given to her by her teacher. Mrs. Lovelace had told her a personal experience that could be something similar to what Gia may experience one day. When her mentor’s emotions became wildly erratic, they would manifest her very being into a heartless monster and if it wasn’t for her husband (at the time, just a friend), there would have been many dead students in the Arena of the Control Room during their sophomore year. Not even staff knew how to calm her inner beast down. Her husband is primarily a man that has full control over people’s memories, capable of erasing, replacing, and saving. How could he help a woman whose emotions transformed her into a monster untold? Lucas Lovelace was a leader and still is, which is why he is a top CEO of Millennium, a company that owns a worldwide hotel line with the same name, a place for supers and norms alike. This moment at school truly showed his ability to think on his feet. He was able to form a group of students, surprisingly both heroes and villains alike, having begrudgingly asked for the assistance of villainous twins in particular, to sedate the love of his life without killing her. With shaking hands, Gianna poured four pills into the palm of her right hand, and immediately brought it into her mouth. Without the need of water, she swallowed each pill whole and let it do it’s job on numbing her senses. The closer the villain that went by the alias Cupid’s Psyche got to the new girl, the better she felt. After closing the container, she put the medication back in her purse and strolled beside the girl. Glancing down at the short haired, pale skinned woman, she assuredly asked, “[color=#b53389]Old East or Old West? I’ll lead. And please, try not to… do whatever you just did to me again. Seems like you need to find your on and off switch for your powers.[/color]” Turning her head away from the tiny girl (especially juxtaposed to her), she looked straight ahead and sighed, “[color=#b53389]Let me guess. Freshman. First day. Parents sent you here to ‘control’ your abilities and be ‘responsible’.[/color]” Getting to the section where the path diverged into two, one way leading to Old West and the other way, Old East, the self proclaimed Queen of Delphina nonchalantly continued with the small talk, waiting for the other girl to tell her which way they needed to go, “[color=#b53389]You’d be surprised how many students have a similar story. I’m simply taking an educational guess. I, on the other hand, had a choice. Perks of being your own guardian at the time.[/color]” Minako swallowed hard when she heard the girl speak. [color=ffb7c5][i]That voice… no, no, Minako, no.[/i] “D-do not worry. I have had some practice at this, and I am very good at controlling things once the connection is made. It should fade shortly. It is just… it seems to function on its own until that point.[/color] She bit her lip, thinking about her words. [color=ffb7c5]”And… your guess is mostly accurate, though my father was more concerned with finding out the practical applications of my abilities. He has… very high expectations for me.”[/color] She paused at the fork in the path, and again she flushed slightly. [color=ffb7c5]”Truthfully, I do not know which way I am going. I was headed to the Residence Office to learn what room I was assigned to when I… bumped into you.”[/color] Listening silently to every word, Gia took in the girl’s tone, her pauses, and her mannerism. “[color=b53389]Loosen up a bit, I don’t bite.[/color]” She paused and then softly added, “[color=b53389][i]Hard[/i].[/color]” After giving the girl a teasing wink, she assuringly nodded, “[color=b53389]I’m more worried for you. Not many people would like to feel...those kind of emotions, so suddenly.[/color]” Glancing over the Asian that she was slowly deeming as ‘cute’ and taking note of the lip bite, the taller woman couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle, “[color=b53389]Hm, must be nice.[/color] That statement was directed to the girl’s comment about her father, even if it was something Gia said absentmindedly. Taking out her phone, the hispanic dialed the Assistant Director’s number and smiled, “[color=b53389]Well, that’s an easy fix.[/color]” Allowing herself to pace back and forth, while she waited for someone to answer, Gia twirled her hair and gave her lips a quick lick. When she heard someone on the other line, her expression brightened, “[color=b53389]Hey Ms. Rousseau! It’s Gia… oh, I’m doing great. I was going to go shopping but I bumped into a friend… mhmm. Oh, I was wondering if I could get the…[/color]” She looked at the Asian, still not knowing her name. Minako frowned for a second, then flushed a deep scarlet as she realized she hadn’t even introduced herself. [color=ffb7c5]”Ah, uh, Minako. Minako Ikeda.”[/color] She bowed deep at the waist, her hands clasped in front of her. [color=ffb7c5]”It is a pleasure to meet you.”[/color] Recalling the exact circumstances of their meeting, she bit her lip again. [color=ffb7c5]”Ah, I mean…” [i]No, no, no! Ugh, maybe I should just shut up.[/i][/color] “[color=b53389]One moment..[/color]” Putting her cellphone on her smooth chest, Gia tilted her head at the girl’s gesture, and gave her an enticing stare (unintentionally, that is), “[color=b53389]Pleasure is all mine. Have I told you my full name? Well, I’m Gianna Daniels, just in case I didn’t.[/color]” Bringing her attention back to the phone call, she pressed it on her ear, “[color=b53389]Sorry about that, yeah, I’m currently with a lost student that goes by the name of Minako Ikeda. She was wondering if she could get her dorm room. I can give her the phone if you’d like to-- oh great! Mmhm. You know me, not one for the feud! I love helping my fellow Mayweathers~ Thanks so much. Okay. Bye, bye now.[/color]” Putting her phone back in her purse, she signaled for the girl to follow her, “[color=b53389]Old East. Room 3F, which means third floor, room F.[/color]” Her flushing deepening as her brain short-circuited from the look she was given, Minako nodded dumbly. [color=ffb7c5]”Thank you.”[i] Ohhh, I am not getting any sleep tonight, am I.[/i][/color] [hr] Pushing the door open, Minako took in the interior of the dorm. For a girl coming from mansions and vacation homes, it was… small. In fact, she was pretty sure that the dinner room back home was the same size as the entire dorm. Still it was pleasant, comfortably furnished. She could easily get used to it. She wasn’t sure about the bedroom, however. Sharing the same sleeping area with someone else, it could be very awkward in the morning. Not that she hadn’t done it before, in fact she had shared a room with Mei since her sister had stopped nursing. But, Mei was her sister. Now she’d be sharing with a stranger, which was a very different thing. Spying the rumpled sheets on one of the beds, as well as a small wardrobe of clothes through the partially opened closet on the left side, Minako pursed her lips. [color=ffb7c5][i]Well, of course someone else would already be here. It’s the second month.[/i][/color] She turned to the second closet and pushed her suitcases inside. She could deal with unpacking later, once she was alone. Turning back to the entrance, where Gianna was leaning against the door frame, she clasped her hands behind her back. The walk through the building, silent though it had been, had cooled her off sufficiently that she felt she could talk without making a complete idiot of herself. [color=ffb7c5]”So… um…if you don’t mind my asking, what did you mean earlier?”[/color] She bit her lip. [color=ffb7c5]”When you said that not many people would want to feel those kinds of emotions?”[/color] Gia’s melting chocolate eyes lit up with the inquiry, “[color=b53389]Well, whatever you did to me... made me recall unpleasantries. All I’m saying is, be careful who you trust here and more so, who you attack. On accident or not, people are sensitive. Stick with me, and you might make it out alive.[/color]” Her expression was stoic and serious when she said the last sentence. Minako had entered a battlefield having no idea what could happen to her and who she was up against. At least with Gia, Minako would be off the radar of some of the strongest villains in the school. For the most part, Cupid’s Psyche was respected and if she wasn’t, no one would dare challenge her, not yet that is. That’s just a can of worms no one should open. Swallowing hard, Minako bowed. [color=ffb7c5]”I see. Again, I am deeply sorry for that. I have seen many different reactions to the connection. Sometimes it is pleasant, sometimes not. Unfortunately, I have no control over how it feels for someone else. The only defense I have is to avoid eye contact. It can make me appear somewhat rude, but I find it is usually the better alternative.”[/color] Straightening, she smiled as warmly as she could. [color=ffb7c5]”But, you need not worry about me. I am well trained in self-defence, and I believe that my ability gives me sufficient advantage to adequately protect myself.”[/color] “[color=b53389]Confidence and strength. I like that in a girl.[/color]” Gia pleasantly grinned as she moved into the room, closer to Minako. When she was inches away from the timid girl, she looked around, observing her roommate’s belongings. “[color=b53389]I wished I could’ve mentally prepared you for your roommate, but it seems like I can’t tell who she is by her things. Possibly a freshman I haven’t gotten fully acquainted with.[/color]” Looking down at the Asian girl once more, Gia’s skin being softly illuminated with the ceiling light, she gently questioned, “[color=b53389]Have you given the school an alias? Sometimes it changes if they deem a better one for you but usually in the beginning we are allowed to pick our own.[/color]” For a moment, Minako’s jaw moved, but no words came out. [color=ffb7c5][i]Bluh… she’s… why are these rooms so hot?[/i][/color] Clenching her thighs together, she nervously plucked at the bottom of her shirt, her previous confidence deserting her. [color=ffb7c5]”Um, th-thank you. Though, I’m not sure what you mean by an alias.”[/color] “[color=b53389]The name the world will remember you by, [i]hero[/i].[/color]” Taking a seat on the Asian’s new bed, patting it for the innocent lamb to sit beside her, she leaned backwards, resting her body on the palm of her hands and giving Minako a good display of her figure (this was Gia’s second nature, after all). “[color=b53389]I chose to be Cupid’s Psyche. I would have used Eros, rather than Cupid, but I doubt most people know about greek mythology. Eros means love or desire and Psyche was the beautiful human woman he fell in love with. Psyche was his soul. Call me a romantic or whatever, but I liked how it sounded and to me, it gave people a good idea of what I could do to them.[/color]” Pausing for a moment, the bronze skinned woman began tracing her pointer finger on her bare leg. Minako told herself it was rude to stare, but she just couldn’t help it. A part of her wanted to sit down, and wanted it very badly. But her heart felt like it was about to hammer its way out of her chest, if her face didn’t burn itself up first. Sitting down seemed like it was both a very good and a very bad idea, and a small part of her suspected that this girl wanted her to stare at her. [color=ffb7c5]”Oh. Um, then no, I haven’t… picked one. Actually, I wasn’t aware about that part at all.”[/color] She glanced towards the window, her expression falling slightly. [color=ffb7c5]”I’ll probably just use whatever the academy gives me. My father has… other plans for me.”[/color] It seemed that Gia’s darling new acquaintance had a complex relationship with her father. The Delphina Queen could tell simply by detecting her inflections. The best course of actions was to hold off on asking about that skeleton in her closet, especially since Gia too had her own ‘daddy issues’, “[color=b53389]Why don’t you show me what you can do? Maybe I can help you. Coming to the school with an idea of ‘who you are’, since they believe an alias is something that describes our very being, will give you major brownie points in some of your classes.[/color]” For a moment, Minako was silent. [color=ffb7c5][i]An idea of who I am? How am I supposed to tell them that when I don’t even know myself?[/i][/color] Then the full implications of Gianna’s request hit her, and she felt the temperature of her face skyrocket, her cheeks flushing a deep scarlet. [color=ffb7c5]”W-w-wait, you mean you want me to… um… uh…”[i]She wants me to… oh dear…[/i] “Y-you mean, right now?”[/color] Sitting up eagerly, Gia gave the newcomer a challenging stare, “[color=b53389]I don’t have anything better to do! I’d [i]love[/i] a demonstration.[/color]” She stuck out her tongue jokingly and then added, “[color=b53389]Is it dangerous? God, do I love danger.[/color]” Hardly believing what she was hearing, Minako fidgeted, her blush creeping up towards her ears and down to her throat. [color=ffb7c5]”Um, n-no, it’s not dangerous. Well, maybe. It’s difficult to explain in a way that will be easy for you to understand. It [b]would[/b] be easier to show you, but,”[/color] she bit her lip, nervously looking at the older girl, her stomach clenching and unclenching. “[color=ffb7c5]”But, in order to do that, I would have to… connect with you again. Like I did before.”[/color] Instantaneously, Psyche brought her right hand to her chest, similar to how she did earlier. At least now, she would be mentally prepared… but was it worth the heartache? For a moment, Gia kept to herself, debating whether or not this was a good course of actions. Minako’s powers weren’t necessarily the dangerous part of the display, it would be her subject she used them on. Taking a deep breath in, Gia went to her purse pulling out her pills and a syringe (inside a ziplock bag) with blue liquid inside of it. The syringe was only for emergencies. Resting her medications on the bed while exhaling out, the older woman gave into her curiosity, “[color=b53389]Now that I know how it will feel like… if you start getting severely depressed, to the point that it will make you want to do irrational things, you must stab me with this.[/color]” Her brown orbs cautiously looked down at the needle. “[color=b53389]The only reason why the school allows me to carry that around is because of how my emotions can make a mass of people do… terrible things.[/color]” Standing up, Gia locked eyes with Minako once more, “[color=b53389]Alright. Do your worst.[/color]” Swallowing hard, Minako nodded. It was a stark reminder of just where she was now, that she wasn’t the only one who could do unusual things. [color=ffb7c5]”R-right. Okay, I understand.”[/color] She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. [color=ffb7c5][i]Okay, okay. Remember what sensei said. To master another, we must first master ourselves. To master ourselves, we must accept ourselves. Do not fight what you feel, but guide it instead. Find your center, and you will be unbroken.[/i][/color] Almost idly, her hands reached up, fingertips brushing along Gianna’s jaw to cup her face. [color=ffb7c5][i]One… two… [/i][/color] She opened her eyes, and for the second time that day looked directly at Gianna. Perhaps it was because of her own nervousness, coupled with her proximity to Gianna, perhaps it was Gianna’s own power affecting her, but if the pulse of warmth she had felt before had been a wave, then this was a tsunami. Her knees shook slightly as it washed over her, and the unexpected intensity of it caused a soft moan to escape from her mouth. Her eyes glowed brightly, reflecting inside Gianna’s own chocolate gaze, and she bowed her head, taking a very large step back. [color=ffb7c5]”Mmph…”[/color] The connection process was one of the most heart wrenching experiences the villain could ever ask to go through again. The difference between the first time and this time was all Gia could think about was Vincent. All the memories she shared with him washed over her mind like a slideshow and the moment where she could have stopped him from running back into the school building was stuck on replay. The vulnerable Queen couldn’t contain her tears any longer. Her light makeup was ruined and internally, she was hyperventilating. [i][color=b53389]Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out. It will pass…. Let it pass.[/color][/i]. Just when those words crossed her mind, the images became more distant and her breathing started to steady itself. No longer thinking about her past, Gianna let her blurry eyes look at the girl that had so much potential, her chest moving up and down with every breath she took. To say Gia wasn’t turned on would be an absolute lie. After having such an exasperating phenomena crash into her like a natural disaster and then seeing the little Asian’s body tremor was a spontaneous, wild thing to encounter. To think Psyche would find a girl capable of being turned on by her own abilities, kind of like herself… was not only attractive as fuck but fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. Gulping down air, Minako struggled to organize her thoughts. She hadn’t felt like this since… she hadn’t [b]ever[/b] felt like this. [color=ffb7c5]”Buh...before we continue, I should explain this.”[/color] She finally looked up at Gianna again, her mouth dry as her hands clutched at her pant legs. [color=ffb7c5]”What you feel when I connect to you… I have no control over that. From what I have seen before, it seems to be different for each person, and it’s not always the same each time either.”[/color] As she spoke, her voice gradually grew more steady, and she took another deep breath. [color=ffb7c5]”Um, are you ready to continue?”[/color] Even though Gia’s face was wet from her tears, a masochistic smirk never left her face as she stared deep into the hypnotic eyes of the freshman. She already went this far and it seems like the girl wasn’t being terribly affected by her powers, yet, so why stop now? “[color=b53389]I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.[/color]” And with that, the willing subject gave the newcomer full reigns over her body. Minako nodded, and she straightened up a little. [color=ffb7c5]”Okay.”[/color] She gently bit her lip as her thoughts turned inward, trying to think of what to do that wouldn’t be too extreme. When something finally came to her, she smiled. [color=ffb7c5][i]Yes, that will work.[/i] “Okay, close your eyes, and describe to me where you are right now.”[/color] Her voice became stronger, steadier. This was something that was familiar to her, something she could do and control. Obediently, Gia did exactly what the girl asked of her, closing her eyes and describing her surroundings, “[color=b53389]I am in your new bedroom, which is very much like every other dorm room. Based on your roommate’s things, she ‘speaks’ Delphina, all the way. The room is small, but enough for students to make by in, with the same boring furniture and hidden nooks and crannies you can hide things in...[/color]” A small smile played across Minako’s lips. [color=ffb7c5]”Are you sure?”[/color] she asked, a small teasing note in her voice. For once in the confidant senior’s life, she wasn’t sure of herself. This girl made her question the area she was in, though Gia knew she was in the dormitory, right? “[color=b53389]Am I not?[/color]” Minako’s smile grew wider, and a sudden chill spread across Gianna’s back accompanied by a soft whisper, as though a cold wind was blowing against her, and she instinctively shivered. [color=ffb7c5]”Open your eyes.”[/color] Gianna did so, and immediately gasped. Around them spread a vast sea of clouds, roiling like steam as it was driven by the wind. Beneath her feet was flat, black rock, covered in clear ice that gleamed in the sunlight. She was standing on a circular mountain peak, no more than twenty feet across, with sides that dropped down so sheer that one would have needed the best mountaineering gear in the world to scale it, and even then, they would still likely fall. The wind came up again, this time howling with unrestrained fury, the cold biting deep into Gianna’s body. Across from her, Minako rocked on her feet, hands clasped behind her as she gave the most innocent smile imaginable. [color=ffb7c5]”So, where are you now?”[/color] Amazed at the reality that laid before her, the older woman hesitantly questioned, “[color=b53389]... I have no idea. Is this real or…?[/color]” Her voice trailed off as she took in the air around her. Was it weird that Gia couldn’t tell if this was a dream or not? Crossing her arms, rubbing her body for warmth, intrigued turned into desperation, as she gazed upon the other girl. Desperation was all she felt - she needed to know. Sucking on her lip, Minako tilted her head. [color=ffb7c5]”Technically, no. In reality, we’re still in my room.”[/color] She gestured behind Gianna, who turned around to see the same bed she had sat on not more than a minute ago. [color=ffb7c5]”There’s my bed,”[/color] she gestured over her shoulder, and the second bed fuzzed into view, [color=ffb7c5]”my roommate’s”[/color] a third gesture, and the entire back wall appeared beside them, [color=ffb7c5]”the window.”[/color] Then she vanished, reappearing beside Gianna. [color=ffb7c5]”Now I’m here,”[/color] a light tapping sensation made Gianna look up, finding another Minako floating above her, grinning broadly, [color=ffb7c5]“up here,”[/color] and her voice really did sound like it was coming from above her, [color=ffb7c5]“and here as well.”[/color] The soft whisper that came from over her shoulder made Gianna shiver slightly. She blinked, and suddenly everything was back to the way it was before: the two of them, standing in front of each other, in the dorm room. “[color=b53389]So… you can make illusions?[/color]” Thunderstruck, Gia unintentionally glared at the impressive freshman. Her mind still trying to register what had just happened. At the end of the day, Psyche would always be slightly intimidating no matter what she did to lessen her approach. Again, Minako smiled. She held up her hand, her middle finger and thumb pressed together. [color=ffb7c5]“Well, that depends. If you want to know the truth, you must first answer one question: do you trust me?”[/color] [i]Trust[/i] wasn’t something Gianna Daniels did easily, but if she turned back now, who knows if she would ever find out this girl’s full potential? This was her opportunity to befriend someone that could help Gia achieve greatness. Everyone was seen as a tool in her eyes, but this girl, along with someone else the senior had been observing for a while, could be used as a weapon. So could she trust Minako? A girl she just met? A girl that made her heart shatter again and again and again? For the sake of finding out more…“[color=b53389]Yes… I trust you.[/color]” With all her heart, she would trust this girl. For a moment, uncertainty flickered across Minako’s face, though to Gianna she was still smiling. A flutter was running through her chest. It was different from what she had been feeling since she had first bumped into the other girl, not as intense, but still very similar. All of which added up to make her very uncertain about just what she was feeling, and she still wasn’t sure if she liked the feeling or not. Finally she shrugged. [color=ffb7c5]“Alright then.”[/color] She snapped her fingers, and Gianna’s world went black. Losing one sense, only heightens the others, but for someone who has never experienced being blind before, the sensation could be overwhelming. However, for Gia, this wasn’t the case. Mrs. Lovelace had thrown her in many different simulation scenarios, though what she experienced in the Control room was being deaf and not blind. Moving her hands around, she searched for Minako’s body until she felt the other girl’s shoulders. Letting her hands trail up the freshman’s form, ever so slowly, Gia’s fingers advanced up her shoulders, to her neck, until the Asian’s round face was in her gentle grasp. Bringing her head up for Minako to look at her, but unable to see anything she was doing, the woman seductively whispered, “[color=b53389]I understand…[/color]” Although she was blind, she was still the same Gia, fairly beautiful and undeniably captivating. Giving the girl a magnetic smile, the senior purred, “[color=b53389]We’re going to have a lot of fun, I can tell.[/color]” Minako swallowed hard, the change in proximity and low purr in her voice causing her cheeks to redden again. [color=ffb7c5][i]Um… uh…[/i][/color] She screwed her eyes shut. [color=ffb7c5][i]No, no! Stay in control, Minako.[/i][/color] She opened her eyes again, and this time there was steel in her glowing violets. She looked at it as a fight, like the ones back in her dojo back home. At their core, a fight was simply a contest of wills. And when it came to a contest of wills, she did [b]not[/b] lose. And she still had one last trick she wanted to do. [color=ffb7c5]”Do you?”[/color] She snapped her fingers again. As suddenly as it had vanished, Gianna’s sight returned, only for her to immediately sag against the smaller girl as a wave of vertigo washed over her. She could see the floor beneath her feet, but she could swear that she was upside-down. As quickly as it came, the feeling passed, and Minako stepped away from her. [color=ffb7c5]”Now you see. When I connect to someone, I don’t connect to their mind. I connect to their body, and their senses, all of them, are open to me. Alter them, enhance them, or turn them off. That is what I can do.”[/color] Her demonstration complete, she relaxed her control, allowing the connection to fade. [color=ffb7c5]”So, um, yeah.”[/color] A small, bashful smile played across her lips, and she clasped her hands behind her back. Gaining full control over her body once more. Gia grinned and scurried to her purse. First, she put away her medication and second, she took out her phone. “[color=b53389]What’s your number? You just gained your first friend, [i]Minako[/i]~[/color]” She waited for the exchange to happen and then the senior was ready to take a nap in her own bed. This was so much to handle in a short time span but worth every ounce of her time. Blinking, for a moment Gianna’s words didn’t register in Minako’s ears. [color=ffb7c5][i]Wait, what?[/i] “You… you want to be my friend?”[/color] “[color=b53389]Why wouldn’t I? You’re obviously a force to be reckoned with.[/color]” For a moment, Minako simply stood still, slightly dumbfounded. After the way that she had made her feel, she still wanted to be her friend? Slowly, a bright smile formed on her face, and she rushed to her backpack. [color=ffb7c5]”Uh, s-sure! Thank you!”[/color] Her heart soared as she gave the other girl her number. Perhaps today hadn’t been a complete disaster after all. After the girls exchanged numbers, Gia giving Minako Lucas’ number for true emergencies (for instance, if she couldn’t reach her), she picked up her purse, preparing to leave. Before she dismissed herself, the succubus of a woman leaned in toward the not so innocent little lamb, almost like she was going in for a kiss. Letting the tension build up, she let her bronze cheek brush against Minako’s pale, yet rosy one’s, as her mellow tone voice slipped into the newcomer’s mind, “[color=b53389]Be careful who you blush in front of.[/color]” Her lips were inches away from her ear and it would feel like the she-wolf was going to nibble on it, but instead she pulled away and winked, “[color=b53389]I wouldn’t want someone to steal you away from me.[/color]” And with that, the temptress took her leave. [/indent]