[b]Jennifer[/b] "Hey! Don't you walk away from me!" Jennifer rushed out of the bedroom after Nathan, her mood shifting just as rapidly as his. "I did this for [i]us[/i]!" she added, using the knife to point at her wounded hand that a minute ago he was gently bandaging. Her actions may have come off as a bit over-the-top, but she was simply trying to get the point across. "What's wrong with you anyway?" she asked as she used the back of her healthy hand to give him a quick shove, knife still being held in a tight grip inches away from his face. "One second you're nice and friendly with me and the next you turn ice cold. Either treat me like you're actually interested in me, or quit making little suggestive side comments. I know I'm basically your job, but I refuse to have someone treat me like a rag doll for their own amusement!" Jennifer was breathing a little bit hard at this point, her cheeks slightly flushed. She didn't know whether Nathan #2 was in the same room as them, listening in on their argument, but she didn't care. In fact, she would have welcomed him as a potential witness because she was pretty sure that Nathan #2 would side with her if it came down to that. Sometimes people liked to play games, but not Jennifer. She found Nathan to be very attractive, but she would not waste her breath on him if he didn't feel the same way towards her.