In terms of my character, she has the following things. I am sure she is OK, maybe a little change here and there. She sounds better than she is but she has weaknesses and side effects. -Vibranium (Anti-Metal) Hair -Vibranium (Anti-Metal) Nails -Vibranium Bones -High Healing Factor (Lowered due to rare metal, standard healing factor as the rare metal can poison her to the point of death without it) -Can make her hair form into a shield or Melee weapon (Sometimes it fails to work) -Change the length and thickness of her hair, even retract it (Unable to control it) -Change the length and sharpness of her nails as well at will (Unable to control it) I think she is rather unique and so wanting to use her is a no brainer for me. She is rather heavy despite what she will look like however. I may or will remove the Anti-Metal element, though, she has that due to the story I made for her. It involved Wolverine, X-23, other Weapon X subjects and various X-Men. Fingernail growth and hair growth is not exactly the best thing and having normal hair as a shield seemed silly. The healing factor was added to make her somewhat better and give a reason on how she would survive having metal grafted to her body.