Ow. Pain. Ow more pain. Blake’s pain train let up long enough for him to register that someone was giving him a hand up. Oh! It was, uh… Well, that one snooty guy, he thinks. Alden? Yes, Alden, it’s been long enough into the semester that he’s been capable of remembering names. Blake reached up and helped himself back onto his feet, still nursing his bruised forehead. [color=yellow]”I’ll be fine, thanks.”[/color] Now that he was done seeing stars he took a look proper around the ship. The… The featureless… Smaller on the inside… Ship. This was incredibly underwhelming to him. He scratched his head, puzzled by where exactly every [i]other[/i] part of the ship was. It was way too big to just be this single room- which, Carter just as quickly explained away. Well, in a far more convoluted way than he would’ve have put it. What happened next got him swept away in all the panic. And as everything finally came down… [hr] Blake woke up in bed with a pair of heavy eyes and a pounding headache. He rubbed his temples to nurse his headache and thought to himself, [color=yellow][i]”This is must be a bad sleep-in headache…”[/i][/color] With a groan, he turned his gaze over to his wall clock. …It was too dark to read. The morning sun was just barely starting to creep in through the blinds, so he figured he was just off to a bad day. [i][color=yellow]”Maybe I should just sleep this off…”[/color][/i] He laid his head back down and shut his eyes, but the drumming in his head just wouldn’t let him get any relief from it. [color=yellow][i]”Ibuprofen…[/i] Then [i]back to bed…”[/i][/color] With another groan, he untangled himself from his sheets and rolled out of bed. He turned his head up at his wall clock again, noting that it seemed to be brighter. Or rather, the room itself seemed to be brighter. Huh. Had the sun rose that quick already? It looked to be… 5:48. He usually couldn’t tell the time very well with the blinds shut until 6. [color=yellow][i]”Oh whatever,[/i][/color] he rolled his eyes, [color=yellow][i]”Dooooon't care right now.”[/i][/color] He got up to his feet and stumbled his way through the quiet hall and into the bathroom first. He braced himself for the inevitable flash of light in his groggy eyes, but when he flicked the switch on the lights were… Oddly slow to turn on? Blake could only blearily blink at the puzzling development. He was grateful his eyes could get adjusted smoothly, but he was [i]pretty sure[/i] his dad just replaced the light bulbs. He scratched his side and just shook his head. [color=yellow][i]”I’ll tell him later…”[/i][/color] After taking care of his morning business, he made his way through to the kitchen and into the medicine cabinet. The same light quirk happened after he flicked the lights on, leaving him even more puzzled. Were they experiencing some sort of power issues? [color=yellow]”God I hope not,”[/color] He thought out loud. After popping two pills of Ibuprofen and a whole glass of water, Blake opted to just crash down on the long couch in the living room while the medicine worked its wonders. He’d continue with his typical morning once he felt better. [color=yellow][i]”…Hey, speaking of… It’s almost 6. Mom or dad are usually up by now aren’t they? Maybe they’re just sleeping in…”[/i][/color] Blake wasn’t sure why his parents would feel like sleeping in, though- they were rather punctual people after all! They usually didn’t sleep in unless they got sick or it was the weekend. And they looked just fine last night, so… [color=yellow][i]”Is it the weekend???”[/i][/color] Blake popped his eyes open again, reached for the remote, and turned the TV on. After that, he switched the cable guide menu on and— [color=yellow]”Huh???”[/color] He scrunched his face up at the date confusingly. [color=yellow]"When’d it get to Saturday??? What’d I even do yesterday?!”[/color] Flummoxed, he tried to recall the events of the last couple days. [color=yellow][i]”Okay let’s see… Wednesday. Class as normal."[/i][/color] Pause. [color=yellow][i]…No, got a detention. Stupid sub gave me one. Picked up trash in the park and then…”[/i][/color] Blake’s eyes widened as it all came back to his throbbing head. [color=yellow]”The UFO!”[/color] Blake beat his first into his hand. [color=yellow]”Something happened on it and— No way…[/color] He sat up and looked at his hands curiously. [color=yellow][i]”Okay… The ship definitely happened. Very sure that happened. I mean…”[/i][/color] His hand moved up to his forehead, wincing at the lingering pain. [color=yellow][i]”Yeah how else was I gonna get this?! So… Something happened. The thing that came at the end did something, but what’d it do???[/i][/color] Ah. His head started to throb again. Alright that was [i]too much[/i] brain work to figure that out right now it seemed. But like hell he was going back to sleep now, he was getting [i]answers![/i] …Alright, it’s still too early for any kind of answers, but he was at least going to try flipping to the early morning news. [color=yellow][i]”It’s already been two days, but maybe they’ll have something on it??? Hopefully??? I don’t wanna hop on the computer with this headache…[/i][/color]