Sini watched the Archon as he finished court business for the day and rose to his feet. She stood quietly behind and off to the side of his throne, her silver armor reflecting the light that came through the wide opening in Yggdrasil’s trunk. A breeze fluttered the cloth of the attached skirt and stirred her wings where they hung at rest against her back. Her place in court was unusual, for she had no official position. And yet there was little question she was an important figure there, for she had the ear of the Archon, and often worked closely with commanders of Spring forces. After multiple centuries no one questioned her presence as their lord’s guard and advisor. She stood motionless as the Mara descended from the dais, but when he motioned for the Guard Captain, Sini too fell in behind them. Sini smiled slightly as she heard his orders. He was a good Archon, avoiding rash actions and not letting quiet breed complacency. The captain left to do as directed, and she moved forward to take his place. He was a fey that had taken the position just under a hundred years past when her mother stepped down, and she’d worked with him before then. He’d been reliable, and Duska had put his name forward when Sini herself turned down the post. “You’re going there, aren’t you, before you leave.” Her voice held no judgement. Though she’d not been alive to see the siren before she had turned dark, Sini knew from those that had been that the two had been as close as siblings. Some said even closer, though she did not believe that. Nyx did not tell her everything, but he’d told her enough. She shook her head, not at his intention, but over the meeting. “Though I know this meeting is important for the stability of the realm, I like not the manner in which it happens. Even the strongest fey can be overcome, and one is always better off with proper support.” The sylph sighed, but then gave a wry chuckle. “Every year, you meet with them, and every year I say the same thing.” She fell silent for a few paces before speaking again. “The guard is already assigned their shifts. Be it an hour or a week, never will they all be off-duty. Should you signal, they will come. I am taking the first watch myself.” Sini came to a stop as they reached the fork in the path that lead to the secluded courtyard, lifting her hand to touch his shoulder so he turned to look at her for a moment. “Go well, Nyx, and return safely.” She waited until he turned away again before spreading her wings and leaping skyward. She reached her own destination shortly, and a whistle with a touch of magic brought a kestrel to her arm a minute later. “You know what to do,” she murmured to him, weaving a simple spell so she could see through his eyes and direct him with a nudge of thought. “You have my thanks. Now go!” With a mighty downward stroke of his wings, the raptor took off and winged away, heading for the mortal realm. Her scout would fly as a normal bird, hunting close enough to the standing stones to see her lord's signal, should it come, but far enough not to attract suspicion. Sini settled in to watch and wait.