[h2][color=Black]Nyx[/color][/h2] Nyx watched as the other rulers congregated but at this point he was more than aware that nothing more of importance would be said before his arrival. There was too much distrust among the three gathered for that. Nyx glanced up at the stone whose shadow he hid within. It was ancient and rugged. The surface was coarse and offered many places to grip with those that were skilled at such things. Smiling Nyx began to climb, keeping himself hidden as he did so. When he reached the top of the Standing Stone and was looking down on the other four rulers of the moot he took a seat on the edge of the stone, letting his legs dangle in the air. Nyx did enjoy making an entrance. Before he did however the Archon decided to watch a few moments longer. The Summer King foolish as he was greeted his former lover by kissing her hand. Nyx was surprised Arys with her frozen heart did not freeze his hand solid to match. The ice carvings she made, sitting on her throne of frost were interesting but it was not obvious that the meeting had come to a standstill without its third member. Sighing Nyx cast aside his glamour and called out from his place on the Standing Stone. [color=Black]"I do hope I have not kept you waiting. I was so enjoying the view."[/color] He said this with a sly smile as he jumped from his perch and landed among them. [color=Black]"Shall we call the meeting of the Lords of Faerie to its official beginning?"[/color] [@Belle][@BlackPanther][@LadyRunic]