Andy's smile crept across her face as she absentmindedly waved her hand over her desktop and a thick, lush patch of green grass grew effortlessly. Twirling her fingers slightly, three beautiful white daisies sprouted before her and after smiling at each one of her "babies", as she so often called them, she placed her head on the patch of grass. Allowing the warm, comforting scent of life to fill her lungs, she spread out her fingers and blocked all the sound around her, vines were never easy but she had figured out that if one is to grow a vine, they must be totally focused. After a minute or so, her eyes shot open and she reached her hand gracefully into the grass by her right ear and slowly began to coax out a thickening dark green vine. [color=00aeef]"Come on, come on little one. You can do it..."[/color] She whispered and smiled to herself. This was cake! Blessed with the affinity for earth magic, Andy had always excelled in Flynn's class, she loved to practice her skill and grow in confidence and power. With one last encouraging comment, Andy lay her hand to rest and the vine, now about two feet long, wrapped itself easily around her desk and four tiny purple flowers erupted from it's tip. Looking around her, she desperately wanted to help the others and show them her tricks, but Mr. Flynn had forbidden her to do so, knowing she was skilled in this area of magic.