[Center] Name: Johnathan Standbee Nickname: Red, Johnny. Age: 17 Gender: Male Crush: Elizabeth Relationship: None. Human form: [IMG]http://s20.postimg.org/5owdme3ql/Guys_with_Straight_Medium_Red_Hair.jpg[/IMG] Animal form: [IMG]http://s20.postimg.org/i4t3g4x2l/b647723311c003393c02d9849fc34e0d.jpg[/IMG] Full Animal Form: [IMG]http://s20.postimg.org/647nfepnx/images.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Sometimes brash and hot-headed, Johnny is a good guy with a temper problem. History: TBR. Only someone who is really close to him would be able to find out what happened in his screwed up past. Likes/dislikes: Likes: Pink Floyd, Any older band really, Italian Food, pyrotechnics, Chill People. Dislikes: Salami, Cold Weather, Modern Music Ice, People with attitudes. Extra info(anything you would like to add?): [/Center]