[center][h2][color=ABB2B9]Allen Hops[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/62/93/5f/62935f834471448313bf249ff7f87a6f.jpg[/img] [b][u]Range, witnessing gun-womanship.[/u][/b] [b][u]Interacting With; Carmen [@abandonedIntel]. Eliana [@lovely complex] [/u][/b] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b]Interested ← Cautious.[/center] When Carmen warned Benny about Dr. Chaos getting mad, he decided Eliana would be the only one being transported for now. Some people were stuck in vanilla methods of travel, so Benny had to pick who invited into nil space carefully to not end up making a lot of (inconvenienced) enemies. When Carmen mentioned Klaus, Benny cringed a little, but nodded at the nickname Shitler Genocidicles. [color=ABB2b9][b]”That’s really fitting. Überdouche too, I call him. He’s destined to have someone put him down by force I’m positive, kind of like the third reich itself…”[/b][/color] Benny leaned back a little and examined the shapes of distant clouds as he went on. [color=ABB2b9][b]”Tell you what, I’ll try not to prank anyone too badly. I’m going to give as good as I get out there though. By the way, I think you have a good sense of morals. The people who are all good or all bad aren’t really anyway, they’re faking it for certain. We’re the realest uh… Homies. Over here in this neck of the woods.”[/b][/color] Benny said with only a dash of hesitance on the word homies. When Carmen asked for him to put in a good word for her with Eliana, he nodded. [color=abb2b9][b]”I’ll recommend you for certain. Greatest snack sharer this side of the Mississippi river. And yeah, I'll give you a heads up before I pull you out of your normal time-space.”[/b][/color] After his last remark Benny laughed a little, trailing off as his focus intensified. Benny watched as Eliana stepped from his hat out into the regular universe again. He was glad to see her, and to show off a little. Real magic was better than acquiring guns anyway. [color=ABB2B9][b]”I don’t know that… You had a run in with someone foul-natured, didn’t you?”[/b][/color] He let his dark eyes linger on her enchanting, powerful emerald green ones when they came into contact. Her [color=darkcyan]eyes[/color], containing a large part of her power, had been the first thing to stand out to Benny about the girl’s appearance. [color=ABB2B9][b]”There’s always next time for a normal get together… But hey, don’t you like the quick travel, cotton-tail? No environmental impact for it either, totally good for your carbon footprint.”[/b][/color] Benny couldn’t resist teasing Ellie just a little. There was always a new good nickname for her just around the corner. He gestured to Carmen. [color=ABB2b9][b]”This is Carmen, my soul sister. She knows how to grab just the right kind of bite to eat. And she also shoots the best out of anyone I’ve seen, by a big margin.”[/b][/color] After Eliana’s request, Benny smiled. [color=abb2b9][b]”You’re in luck, you have a great teacher over here.”[/b][/color] Benny produced the model of .22 caliber Carmen requested along with rounds, and handed it over. Then he watched approvingly as Carmen went over gun safety. He acquired some safety glasses and headphones with matching silver trim detail, to go with Eliana’s refined look, and handed these to her when she was ready to take them. He started disassembling his FAL a little as he continued to listen, and watch expectantly to see if Eliana would still want to try to knock out a target down range. [b][color=ABB2B9]”Even though it’s a .22 it’s going to kick, so don’t turn it sideways and hold it with both hands. Feet spread apart in that stance like Carmen said, she’s telling you the right stuff.”[/color][/b] Benny thought that any hero or villain could do with learning how different types of guns worked, after all some of the situations they were bound to deal with in the future were worse than a war zone. It was likely enough that with the terrifying powers out there in the world, a little extra preparation couldn't hurt... He savored Carmen's concerned brows as she mother-birded Eliana's first gun experience. He wasn't going to tease her for that though, it was important that Ellie didn't make a mistake and hurt herself. [color=ABB2B9][b]"Carmen or I can stand behind you and help you hold it, too. Remember to put the safety gear on [i]before[/i] you pull the trigger, too, otherwise it doesn't serve much of a purpose."[/b][/color] Benny winked a little suggestively at Eliana. Mentoring was nice, he wasn't going to miss the opportunity to start stealing the show a bit. Benny put down the pices of the FAL and stepped in closer beside the other two. He considered his own feelings, briefly, somewhere in the back of his mind. Eliana reminded him a lot of someone but he hadn't placed it yet. He knew he was glad to have her around though, and Carmen too of course. It was sometimes frustrating being a mystery to himself.