[center][h1][color=hotpink]JD Mason[/color][/h1] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/b96e3f154587e04c9fcf7bd05b8822ef/tumblr_nzk3agUoiq1rhc4evo1_r1_500.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Party [b]Interacting With:[/b][/center] [hr][hr] [center]After a few aggressive screams at her window and the throwing off her stuffed bulldog Caliban at a wall, JD emerged from the apartments and into the party in the courtyard. Things seemed to be in full swing now, people were having fun, dancing, drinking and being merry. She wondered if this was what Peyton felt like the night she died. If Jess knew anything about Peyton Glencross it was that she would never commit suicide, it was not in her character. There had to be more to it and someone here had to know more than they were telling. She scanned the crowd trying to size up everyone, it was a trait she had inherited from her big brother. Dominic didn’t talk a lot but he could read people like no one she had ever seen. Guess that came with the territory of being a listener not a speaker. Jessie had managed to have some form of interaction with most of the tenants at the Heights, with only a few slipping under her radar. First and foremost was the newest member of their “family”, Jeremy Bennet. He had only been there about two weeks and JD had already scanned the interwebs to find out more about him….you know cos reasons and that reason is she’s a nosy bitch. He sure had a colourful history, a treasure hunter, thrill seeker and all around bad mother dude….Dominic would love this guy. Detective Gregory was here and in JD’s eyes, he was as much use as a chocolate fireguard. The man had been on the force for years and yet he had somehow got everyone believing Peyton’s death was a suicide. Either he’s really bad at his job or something isn’t right. She wouldn’t have done it, how could he say she did? Obviously he was here to curb the reporters from questioning all the guests but that probably wouldn’t stop them, she knew from experience after all. Obvious by their absence in the crowded parking lot was Channel 4. Regina must’ve gotten the word out pretty ASAP that she was killing Peyton’s story. The woman was nice but she had little patience when it came to the news. Tonight was about having some fun but tomorrow, JD had some work to put in. She had discovered something that even the cops had missed; Professor Gerard’s daughter lived in the city and tomorrow she would go and talk to her and find out just what the good doctor was working on with Peyton. Moving into the crowd, the nosiest bitch in the building grabbed a drink from one of the tables and smiled the bright smile like only she could. Tonight would be a good night…[/center]