[sub][h2][color=black][i][color=#2e2c2c]-[/color]t h e s t o r y[/i][/color][/h2][/sub][color=585858][b]—————————————————————[/b][/color] [table][row][/row][row][cell][color=dcdcdc]Oblivion focuses on a group of 6 mid-20-year-olds who reunite 7 years after their high school graduation, in their hometown of Delton, Maine. A mysterious event occurs during this that gives them strange and fantastical powers, of which they discover in the following days. The organic nature of the story will allow for several main acts, and sub-acts within them, following a specific character (or a few characters) of the group. Players will plan out these acts individually with my assistance, and I may give the entire group a sub-act that affects each character differently. There will also be general sub-acts that the characters need to complete to progress to the next main act. Character choices very much influence the story, and will change the course of certain acts or create new acts and sub-acts entirely.[/color][/cell][/row][/table][indent][indent][table][row][/row][row][cell][color=#2e2c2c]———————————————[/color] [color=a9a9a9][b]ACT ONE:[/b] ???[/color][/cell][cell][color=dcdcdc][color=#2e2c2c]—[/color] Incomplete.[/color][/cell][/row][/table][/indent][/indent][sub][h2][color=black][i][color=#2e2c2c]-[/color]t h e s e t t i n g[/i][/color][/h2][/sub][color=585858][b]——————————————————[/b][/color][center][b][color=a9a9a9][table][row][/row][row][cell][color=#2e2c2c]———————————————[/color] DELTON, MAINE.[/cell][cell][color=#2e2c2c]———————————————[/color] 120.4 KM².[/cell][cell][color=#2e2c2c]———————————————[/color] POPULATION 7,679.[/cell][/row][/table][/color][/b][/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][color=dcdcdc]A bright little town, built between a lush green forest and Maquoit Bay. Maine's I-295 and Coastal Route 1 run directly through it, connecting with State Routes 125 and 136, making it easily accessible to tourists (of which the local newspaper and retail stores are greatful, with a new peak in tourist influx every few years). There are enough small tourist spots and stores to satisfy those that choose to visit; especially outlet stores, of which the town is near-famous for in parts of Maine. Despite a rising birth rate, Delton has not become rowdy or chaotic due to the hooligan youth like the older population feared. Being such a small community, word travels fast, and most teens have the sense to not sully their or their family's reputation with dumb antics. Those that do often have to find their feet elsewhere in the state, as no local business wants to hire someone prone to antisocial behaviour.[/color][/cell][cell][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/588109950006329429/594696444833824769/unknown.png[/img][center][color=#2e2c2c]———————————————[/color][/center][/cell][/row][/table][sub][h2][color=black][i][color=#2e2c2c]-[/color]t h e l o c a t i o n s[/i][/color][/h2][/sub][color=585858][b]—————————————————————[/b][/color] [table][row][/row][row][cell][color=dcdcdc]Local businesses are usually passed from generation to generation, though the town is more than open to new residents looking to open a store. Throughout the years, many have come and gone—some missed, others not—but there a few that remain standing as staples of Delton. Many of its famed outlet stores are local-owned as well, though a few big companies are known to buy lots, notably ones like GAP and The North Face. Not just traditional stores, though—bars, restaurants, inns and even a [url=http://www.onefreeportvillagestation.com/images/uploads/FVS_DirectoryMap_180315.jpg][color=dcdcdc]shopping plaza[/color][/url][sup]§[/sup] line Delton's streets. [b][url=https://img-aws.ehowcdn.com/700x/cdn.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/15380203577_a44e4b2ccf_o.v1-700x700.jpg][color=a9a9a9]DELTON STATION BISTRO[/color][/url][/b][sup]§[/sup] [indent]Owned by [url=https://s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/metro-news-s3-prod/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Inline_2518322_4.3.jpg][color=dcdcdc]Donovan Wilkerson[/color][/url][sup]§[/sup], Delton Station Bistro (or just 'the Bistro', as residents call it) has been serving tourists and locals alike for over 3 decades. Housed inside an empty colonial house Donovan purchased in the 1980s, it has become a beloved staple of the town, going through many refurbishings from the original interior. Presently, it has more of a [url=https://www.beachmereinn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/DSC_1598-735x491.jpg][color=dcdcdc]modern bougie[/color][/url][sup]§[/sup] look. A popular tale in the town is that Donovan had to fight with McDonald's over the ownership of the house, but he often dismisses it as just something to fascinate visitors with. Another widespread tale that [i]is[/i] true is his willingness to hire the local schoolkids on the weekends, putting him in good graces among the younger population.[/indent] [b][url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LbipGqF1BFk/TjQ0mqkwPpI/AAAAAAAAAso/RpymIAiYc-w/s1600/IMG_8996.JPG][color=a9a9a9]P. JOHNSON'S[/color][/url][/b][sup]§[/sup] [indent]Often shortened to P.J's, P. Johnson's is Delton's very own queer micro-brewery and [url=https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/1023340/Infiniti_007.0.jpg][color=dcdcdc]brewpub[/color][/url][sup]§[/sup]. While the queer population is small in the town's already small community, it is a hotspot for tourists from across the state, and those willing to make the journey from across the country. Non-queer patrons are also happily served, of course, and P.J's does make a damn good beer. They regularly have polls about people's favourite brews and do regular work and events in the community, though no amount of polls seems likely to ever change their limited menu.[/indent][/color][/cell][/row][/table][sub][h2][color=black][i][color=#2e2c2c]-[/color]t h e r u l e s[/i][/color][/h2][/sub][color=585858][b]—————————————————————[/b][/color] [table][row][/row][row][cell][color=dcdcdc][color=a9a9a9]■[/color] No shoes, no shirt, no service. [color=a9a9a9]□[/color] Participate. I know I outlined the importance of discussion in the interest check, but I want people to be fully aware that I expect constructive contribution from all players. [color=a9a9a9]■[/color] Communicate with me in general. I'm going to be updating players frequently, it'd be cool if the courtesy was returned. [color=a9a9a9]□[/color] Your character's actions will have consequences, and I don't mean cosmetic. Permanent character death and injury aren't out of the question, though they'll only happen after really dumb decisions. [color=a9a9a9]■[/color] In the rare event of death, you can take control of any significant NPCs or politely withdraw from the roleplay. You'll be kept on a priority list for any future roleplays of mine. [color=a9a9a9]□[/color] Collaborations will be organised by the GM (me) only for the start of arcs or significant events. If two characters are meant to be having a fast-paced conversation, ask the other player for any dialogue and actions from their character. [color=a9a9a9]■[/color] Obviously fade to black for scenes that are less than Fonz-cool (NO SEX ON MAIN), but you're free to explore otherwise mature subjects freely. This isn't a light-hearted roleplay by any means. Just don't be ham-fisted with it. [color=a9a9a9]□[/color] Read the Q&A before asking a question if you're unsure if it's been answered. [color=a9a9a9]■[/color] Minimum post deadline is 2 weeks until further negotiation with accepted players. No players have been accepted yet. [color=a9a9a9]□[/color] Minimum post length is 3-4 pargraphs until further negotiation with accepted players. I am willing to be lenient with this depending on the content of the post. [color=a9a9a9]■[/color] While I am open to hearing ideas and will tell you personally if I consider it acceptable, please try to be reasonable with your character's power. I don't want to see any limitless immortality or an ability to change reality on a large scale. If you really want a power, slap a bunch of limitations/weaknesses on it.[/color][/cell][/row][/table]