[center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/10/100647/4531254-1b0a9cbfa1742bdebed2449fc7a3d63e.jpg[/img][/center] Player Name: Chaotic Chao (Formally CallMeChaotix.) Character You Wish To Play: Johnny Storm - Human Torch Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Hero Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?): The Fantastic Four Character Origin & Backstory: Johnny Storm, son of Franklin Storm and sibling of Sue Storm was never as smart as either of them. He learned public education, and he wasn't very good in school. He had a rebellious personality which got him into trouble a lot. He wanted to become as smart as them, he just didn't ever seem to be as good as them. Sometimes, he felt like the odd-one out. Then his mother died, Johnny's father was devastated and went into a deep depression. His sister had to become a motherly figure. Sue had to watch him over him, to make sure he didn't get in trouble. He ignored her a lot, and did dangerous, dare-devilish things. He was an hot-head. Soon, the two headed to the NY Comic-Con. Sue was Hawkgirl and Johnny was Hawkman, he saw it fit. They met Reed Richards, an awkward nerdy guy, and Ben Grimm, a big guy with a Boston accent. Mostly Sue and Reed talked. Johnny was happy that she made a friend. Then they came back. Talking about her new friends she made, Reed Richards and Ben Grimm. She told her father about how smart Reed was, and how he's very prestigious. This gave their father an idea, to make The Future Foundation. Johnny joined his sister and the other two at the Baxter Building. He saw this as a way for him to learn a lot. Plus it seemed pretty cool, they headed to a desert in Nevada to test the N-Zone Teleportation Project. Johnny didn't realize how much that it would change all four of their lives forever. Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?): Johnny has the ability to burst into flames at will by the words "Flame On" and "Flame Off". He can fly as well, from being as light as oxygen. His body's heat can rise, making his flames hotter and more effective. If he hits Super Nova, which is the temperature of the sun, he'll destroy everything including himself. His power is also controlled by the way he feels, especially excitement. Sample Story Arcs: Give 2-3 ideas on where you want to go with your character. (Same as Drew's.) After the big project, the teleportation device his father was working on, fails spectacularly. Reed finds out one of the people who was working on it has mutated for the worst, a strange monster like creature that buries itself underground and produces mole like monsters a sexually. Finding out about him and having to fight its now mindless form leaves Reed depressed and blaming himself, on top of what happened to himself and the other three. Reed along with the rest of the newly announced Fantastic Four begin to put the pieces together about where his father went and what happened to him, which leads them to a certain castle in Latervia. (This one with Kid Lantern's permission of course) After their constant struggles and disappointments against 3D Man, The skrulls decide to use the Fantastic Four as the base for a new Super Skrull prototype. However when they get DNA samples from the four it causes the heroes' powers to go haywire, and result in the curious side effect of being able to exchange powers with one another through physical touch. Sample Text: Johnny looked around. He just woke up in a hospital bed, he wondered what happened. "Uuugh..." He groaned, his head hurt. He looked around, and slowly sat up. Where was the others? What happened after the N-Zone Teleporter thing went out of control? Was his sister okay? A nurse walked into the room, her eyes widened as she saw Johnny trying to sit up. She said something in French. "What? What does that even mean?" He asked. She said something in French again, then she realized he couldn't understand her. She walked out of the room, and called for a doctor. He rubbed his head, how long has he been out? He looked around the room, there were things that he couldn't read. Was he even in America right now? A doctor walked in, he held a chart and looked at Johnny. "Hello, I am Dr. Leon. I'm glad you've woken up. You vere out vor almost a day." His voice was heavily accented, was this guy French? "Where am I?" The French doctor smiled, "Vhy you're at Beliveau Hospital." Johnny scratched his head, confused. "Not that, like what city am I in right now?" The French doctor was patient with Johnny, "Paris." He said. Johnny's eyes widened, "WHAT!?" He then ignited in flames. The doctor jumped back, he yelled in French. The nurse ran in to help the doctor, when she saw Johnny in flames, she shrieked. "AAAHHH!!!" Johnny yelled, "SOMEONE HELP ME!!" The sprinklers finally turned on, but it didn't do much! The nurse ran out of the room. What was happening!? Johnny fell out of the bed, he then touched the heart monitor, only to make it burst into flames and spark. Johnny dropped and rolled, nothing was working! "I'M ON FIRE!! SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!!" The nurse came back with a fire extinguisher and fired it at Johnny.