[@vesuvius00] Lugft Huron: Aerienna Cassiel and Atallia Faeron Zakroti Unalim: Aymiria Cassiel and Kasari Liesma Cuwarr Naxremis: Sorici Amberra and Kalani Solle Azilon Dantanath: Aeila Snowblood and Rya Mira Exon Xe’Jah: Nadia Parnel and Saisri Tyalanthe Rynek Darion: Lienna Orhhneaht Siadamkiru Beneni: Sorrin Lucielle I'd be more than willing to have Sia take Onyx, or if you can get a hold of Taters and Obby you can probably stick her in with Rynek and Lienna.