[quote=@gorgenmast] Alcubierre Drives are as advanced as singularity technology goes because I don't want a bunch of overpowered, gamey technologies in this RP. Yes, I realize that Alcubierre Drives are probably impossible just like most of the other technologies. But for the purposes of storytelling and gameplay, Alcubierre Drives are the limit. 400-600 feet seems to be the average size for ships of that/similar type. [/quote]Compressing a ship to the size of femtometer black hole thing in order to reduce the power requirement is kind of the crazy idea they came up with. Warp Drives are likely easier tech wise since it either just messes with timespace to increase the apparent velocity of the ship beyond the light or uses subspace to swim in a theoretical FTL space which intersects with realspace yet has different laws of physics. But that's just a fleeting suggestion. It's up to you. It's just that Alcubierre Drives are kind of crazy high tech in a sci-fi sense. They are inertialess drives which proper the ship by adding and removing space while the ship is also compressed into a black hole or whatever for reducing energy requirements (otherwise it'd require more energy than the entire universe). I don't think black hole engines are actually anywhere OP. They are pretty easy to make in theory the issue is with making them move along with the ship (requiring gravity tech but we already need that for convenient artificial gravity and inertial dampeners). Creating the black hole itself could be costly but not implausible. Basically blast a precise point with bunch of lasers and use grav tech to keep it stable (for game purposes since small black holes would otherwise evaporate too fast). Output wise they are usually on par with nuclear reactors but with the "fuel" compressed into a tiny package. I admit that the event horizon shield/cloak is kind of BS though but energy shields are perhaps even harder to make. As for the FTL gun, if you can make a ship go faster than light, so you can something far smaller. That's the basic idea. Space is vast and you also need something which can cross the distance conveniently enough. I can reduce the range but there could be many situations when the enemy is interplanetary distances away. That and I kind of have an obsession with mass accelerators using warp tech. I make them in almost every space NRP because they are pretty cool. :lol As a drawback when they are rare in the setting I add the weakness that they are power hogs and can be traced back to their origin with relative ease using the trail of spatial distortions they make. [quote=@Pepperm1nts] I don't like how your ship is so similar to mine, not gonna lie. It's mostly my fault for not finishing up a sheet quicker, but it still bothers me that my ship isn't nearly as unique anymore. Both use experimental stealth technology, and both have a gun that runs the length of the ship as the primary armament. I was hoping to have some variety with ships, and mine was supposed to cover the stealth, huge-gun role. [/quote]I saw that you have something vaguely similar but I wouldn't have thought that much. I thought your stolen alien cloaking is closer to current stealth technology plus. It reduces your sensor signature rather than making you outright vanish. Mine is kind of minted after Star Wars' cloaking from the Thrawn Trilogy where double blindness was an issue but Thrawn was such a magnificient bastard he still utilized entire fleets of stealth ships masterfully. In terms of style my stealth is kinda like a submarine. It's a good estimate to call my ship effectively a space submarine. The Hunt For Red October indeed. :lol