I have a ton of them, I mean I could try and make a plot for them but usually I get nothing from them and so I just don't try anymore. [hider=Some of my characters in a nut shell, told simply as possible] -Synestra Yilvoxe Saxixx: A cursed evil warlord who has to roam the ages until she is killed by the chosen one. She basically starts all the wars known to man [Mostly ficitonal] until she is brought down. She dies before any gun is properly made. -God of Sanity and Insanity/God of Death & Pain: They are not like most CS's as they aren't actually mortal or have a body to speak of. They themselves are possessed objects. A tiki type object and skull which is made of pure silver, gold or is just a jazzed up cattle skull. -Lord Marx's: He is well OP, but he was never really meant to be an RP character and more of a villain to a story I thought about writing. Defense Force 5, a gritty Power Ranger based idea but with no cheese and people actually die and have real life issues that can't be conquered in stupid ways. -Elissa Haywood: My Borderlands elemental witch character, I tried with this one but no one wanted to do it so I said fuck it. She might seem OP but her way of doing things is damage over time so she has no brute strength. -Rayne (Megan Benz): My twisted vampire queen, truth be told I am finding it hard on how I would do an RP with her. I have an idea in mind and some plot twists but trying to do it in away without giving too much away is difficult. -Edwina Carla Winters: She is just a strange character, I mean she is totally weird and has no real purpose but she just came to mind when I saw an image that screamed make her. -Zara Reiko Beauloo: She is a bit hard to talk about but she is interesting to me. -Lilith Marie: My succubus character who was basically chopped up and scattered across the lands. She is still alive she just can't do anything until she gets her whole body back. She can't regenerate until all the pieces are back together. She has a major disorder as well but I don't remember what it is at the moment. -26.Metal Maidens: Various characters that are in a band but also kick butt in a metal based world, each character has their own powers, weapon and genres. They and the OC who is made by my partner must fight for the kingdom of metal. Very battle, magic, and music based. -Judgement: A dragon that changes based on the maidens choices and ideals, he is molded into either a good, bad or for the most part a neutral dragon. Each form has an element to it because the maiden can't live forever the dragon turns to stone until the next maiden awakens. For my idea each maiden is actually connected and is the same person reborn though with some differences each time. -Rex Scar-tail Mandozer: A lizard type creature, I know the problem to this one. He is an F-Zero pilot so no chance of that happening. -Empress (EMP): My robot empress character who evolves from a simple A.I to a complex machine, three robot wars start, the first one is started by the robots themselves, the second by the humans and the last is a strange mix of faction wars. I could never get a robot RP going so she has collected dust since I made her years ago, I think about 4-5 years now. -Ryuunosuke Takeshi Miyamoto: My samurai, he and his daughter and student are sent to a different time. (Basically a Samurai Jack idea) Basically, it has a mixture of both historical, modern and future based elements. A demon must be put down but to date has never been killed. The samurai I have uses his cultures weapons as well as weapons of the modern era such as uzi's and such. His daughter, student and him try to find a way back to their time so they can strike the demon down. The demon was almost beaten so he threw them through time hoping they would be trapped there. Of course, they end up in a world the demon controls so things are in the demon's favour.[/hider] Of course, I have much more out of place, hard to use characters that never get to be picked as well. They all range from different genres as well. That and video game characters such as Elizabeth from Bioshock, Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark, any character from Timesplitters, etc.