[quote=@Pepperm1nts] >Both ships are experimental stealth ships >Both ships have a main gun that runs the length of the ship >And now you're saying your ship operates like a submarine, which is exactly what I said about my ship I don't want to say you intentionally copied anything, but the similarities are not "vague." [/quote]I predated your idea by over a year dude. If anything I could assume the reverse. Also how can I copy something which you have yet to even write down? EDIT: Oh you freshed up your profile? When I copy-pasted my ship here it only had a few bullet points for info. Yeah, there seem to be more similarities. Also didn't you previously list yours as a pirate ship? I could swear I saw a pirate ship profile here with stolen Vorqhul stealth drive. Maybe I am confusing two different profiles. Though that'd mean we have no less than 3 stealth ships now. Either way our ships only seem to share similarities on the bare concept. Yours is more like a stealth plane mounting a big gun, IMO.