[@gorgenmast]Is my FTL gun idea is still fine? As I said if ships can travel at warp, why can't projectiles? Without stealth the fact its trail would reveal my position is even worse news. Although I am also thinking on an alternative which can be similarly fun. Perhaps even combine them. We'll see. [@Pepperm1nts]I hope you don't mind if you aren't the only ship with a big spinal mounted gun. I might keep that but not the rest. [quote=@Pepperm1nts] I don't really care about the specifics. Getting into the gritty details of tech just bogs down RPs. The point is that it has a very advanced Vorqhul stealth drive. [/quote]Bogs down what? This really bothers me on this forum that people think not talking out problems is actually an okay thing. It's not. Communication and being on mostly the same page is important. I can also guarantee you that I (usually) only talk with the GM about this if it's important, either to me or for even the rest of the players. My first drive is also to help. I discuss these because I think it could help. My style might get a bit confrontational at times but that's just the way I am. And it bothers me when people misunderstand this for anything malign. I am argumentative when in a debate, that's all.