[quote=@xiaomiau] [@Fionraella] With the branch an inch from separating from the rough bark it clung to, Misha froze. "What?" She turned slowly to stare at him. "What the--" She caught herself. "What the [i]hell[/i] did you just say?" she hissed. Narrowing her eyes, she turned back to her work and finished the cut with a powerful stroke with the chipped axe. She whipped the branch out towards Destin till it hung within his reach, but her eyes remained daggers as she glared at the healer. [/quote] Destin's ears flatten against his skull at her gaze. He whimpers slightly. "Not really seeing..we've only met like..twice now.." He begins shaking at her glare, before reaching out and grabbing the tree branch in his teeth. He wish he hadn't said anything. He didn't really know why he did...but if he died, he would have wanted Aya to know. At least that was his excuse.