[quote=@Fionraella] Destin sighs as he tosses the clumps of mud into the larger mud...thing. He steals a glances a Misha guiltily. "Are...are you going to tell Fabine what I told you?" He asks, feeling his heart sink at the prospect. If Destin was lucky, he would get reprimanded and be forced to not leave camp. But knowing Fabine, he knew he might get kicked out...or even killed. Neither of which appealed to the young shifter. [/quote] Misha cocks her head to the side and shrugs. She focuses on the mud on her pants, now drying into the fabric in hard, uneven blotches. "Depends." She glared at it from the corner of her eye. "Why shouldn't I?" Half of her pulled in the direction of the camp, ready to bolt and find Fabine and confess the secret before she had to hide it. But the other half - maybe the half closest to Destin's exhausted and terrified form - stayed firmly where she was, considering the options and considering her own morals. She wasn't ready to let that side win out, but still she remained there with him.