[quote=@xiaomiau] [@Fionraella] She whips her head around to face him fully. "You think that? You think it's not going to come to that?" She shakes her head. "Listen - I get it! I get you think this is going to work, and it's best for both of you, and nothing bad will ever happen because you love each other a lot and that means nothing can go wrong." She leaned in and narrowed her eyes. "But that's not how it works here. Ever." [/quote] [quote=@BeCreative] Grant raised an eyebrow at her, "Go ahead. I may be loyal to the group but I'm also a teenage boy. I eat A LOT. I could defiantly put this whole deer down." That was not true but it got his point across. He shook his head once again as they come upon the camp entrance, "Now, let's get this to the prey pile, yeah?" [/quote] Destin looks away, listening to her words. He then flinches and looks back at her sadly. "Is that what happened to you? did you get hurt? Or have to hurt someone for the good of the group?" He flicks a piece of mud off his arm. "Aya is my friend. We don't 'love' each other as you put it." He shakes his head. "We'll make it work. Friends between groups are possible..." Amelia huffs at his comment. "So you'd be rude and eat the whole deer? Rude!" She then nods as the walk into the camp. "Should we skin it and begin smoking or wait for Sacha to see what she wants to do with it?" Amelia was excited so see how much meat they could get off the deer.