[center][color=8493ca][h1]Christian Blackwell[/h1] [img]http://media3.popsugar-assets.com/files/2015/11/06/829/n/1922398/bd234fa128a19b22_tumblr_nqfc4yasCa1qd4yhbo9_500.xxxlarge/i/Chris-Pratt-Smirks-Pictures.gif[/img][/color][/center] [hr][hr][indent][indent] A small smile was flashed at Amanda as she mentioned the dagger before he nodded looking down at his computer. [color=8493ca]"Of course, that's my lucky dagger."[/color] Christian said matter of factly, though it hadn't been the only reason he had kept it with him even now. It was a very small thing he could keep and use, but also remember Amanda by when he went on missions without her. Or run away for a year. When she brought up shimming into the apartment and shooting a few arrows, Christian looked up at her and simply stared at her for a moment. [color=8493ca]"Yeah, thanks Ams."[/color] He said with a small laugh as he handed her the laptop before following her over to the desk. Christian smiled as she gave him a high five and said he had done a good job, a strange and familiar sense of pride coming over him. [color=8493ca]"Thanks."[/color] Though the smile faded slightly when he saw her reaction to proof Samantha was behind it all. He knew that she and Amanda actually liked each other, and though he hated the woman, he hated seeing Amanda sad even more. Christian opened his mouth to ask if she was going to be alright, but before he could she turned back to him and started talking again. [color=8493ca]"Yeah, I guess we really could."[/color] Christian answered before Amanda got all squeaky and excited, a soft laugh coming from him, god he had missed Amanda. [color=8493ca]"Sounds like a good idea, though I really doubt it will as easy as it sounds."[/color] He answered nodding before she wrote the information down and went to take a shower. While he was waiting for her to get done he changed out of his comfortable clothes, throwing on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a button down shirt. He sat down at his laptop looking over the names again for the first time in a long time, thinking. Hearing her coming out of the bathroom, he turned to tell her something he had thought of. Only for him to completely forget it as he saw Amanda come out of the shower to get clothes from her bag. It wasn't the first time that he had seen her nude, but damn at the moment, it seemed like forever ago. He couldn't help but let his eyes sweep over her slowly, as he was reminded of [i]just how much[/i] he had missed Amanda. His mind going back to their mission in Mexico when they had to go black for forty eight hours after killing the head of one of the cartels. Christian stared back at Amanda for a moment as she started packing their weapons. [color=8493ca]"Um...I was going to tell you something but I can't remember what now."[/color] He admitted letting his eyes look over her again and linger for a moment before clearing his throat and looking away. [color=8493ca]"Give me a minute, I'll remember."[/color] He added as he caught the bag she threw to him, nodding when she said she'd meet him outside. For a moment it seemed like she was going to lean in to kiss him, but she was just grabbing the dagger instead and Christian couldn't help but sigh. [color=8493ca]"Yeah, can't forget that." [/color] Amanda was still mad at him it seemed, and he could understand that, because even he knew he had fucked up, royally. Still it hadn't ever been his intention to leave her, and after she put the dagger in her bag, Christian turned to her and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in closely giving her a tight hug. [color=8493ca]"I'm sorry I fucked everything up, but I've missed you so much this last year. I'm really glad you're here."[/color] He whispered in her ear before squeezing her body lightly in his arms and letting go of her. Honestly, he hated hugs, they always felt awkward and he never knew where the hell his arms were supposed to go. So on rare occasion that he did get them, they never lasted long and hardly ever as long as this one had. [color=8493ca]"Even if it started out being to kill me."[/color] He laughed a little, fingers going up and to tug a strand of hair behind her ear. Once the moment was over Christian turned and started packing his own bag. Another set or two of clothes to wear, his laptop, hacking equipment, and both of the memory cards. The weapons Amanda didn't pack he decided to keep on him, a few knives and a gun at his hip. Even if the agency thought he was dead and she was taking a break, he wasn't wanting to be too comfortable while on a mission. She had taught him better than that. As he headed out the door he grabbed a few things from the living room and locked the apartment door. Not that it really mattered with the window broken in the bedroom, but still it would have bugged him knowing it was unlocked. As Christian made his way to Amanda he used his keys to unlock the doors of his blue Honda Civic, before offering the keys to her. [color=8493ca]"You drive and I research like usually?"[/color] He asked before taking the bag from her, and putting it and his own bag in the backseat. Though he quickly pulled his tablet so the he could do research on the others while they drove. [color=8493ca]"I was going to say that I can easily hack these people's files in the agency's database and find out their last known location. That's how I corrupted everything they had on Guinn when I ran. Maybe it will help us find more of them."[/color] Christian suggested looking at her, now that this really was happening and they were starting to work together, even he started to feel a little excited himself. [color=8493ca]"Where is your notebook?"[/color][/indent][/indent]