[center][h1]Seprad Elif[/h1][/center] While most of the prison was a place of suffering and smog, there was 1 place that stood out as a beacon of peace, reason, and serenity. 1 place where the smog seemed to give a wide berth. 1 place where the guards peered into for a little while longer before reluctantly resuming their patrols. This place was the cell in which Seprad Elif sat in cross-legged meditation. The young Monk of Rao had left the monastery at Ardent's Watch that he had called home for the past 27 years to complete his training. A few weeks later, he had wound up in prison after being framed for a crime he didn't commit by a group of corrupt guardsmen who were mad at Seprad for speaking up when they were bullying some innocent bystanders. It had been 10 days since Seprad had been brought here. In that time, he'd managed to get a letter to his monastery back at Ardent's Watch and the prison guards had started shackling a ball and chain to each of Seprad's wrists when he wasn't mining after he lay down his pick when they 1st sent him to the mine and began breaking the rock with his bare palms. They weren't necessary (As Seprad had no intention of committing any violent acts that weren't in self defence), but the guards had a better safe than sorry policy when it came to 'stone punchers' and so the weights remained. Throughout this whole ordeal, Seprad remained perfectly calm. Very little could faze a Monk of Rao after all. The letter on its way to Ardent's Watch was all that was needed to give Seprad peace of mind and a fair amount of certainty that he'd be released in the fullness of time and would be able to continue his journey soon after. In the meantime, Seprad listened to the conversation a prisoner in the opposite cell was having with a visitor. The visitor was the prisoner's son by the sounds of things, and it also sounded like the son had brought his father something to eat. Seprad himself was perfectly happy with the food served in the prison. He never wanted for much and he found comfort in the most unlikeliest of places, so he got on fine here.