[h3][center][b][u]In orbit around Aspea, Ospea System, Cormyrean Confederation[/u][/b][/center][/h3] Hieff stared at the image of Aspea as his flagship circled the world in a stable orbit. At one time Aspea had been a thriving colony, promising to be the region’s economic and cultural center. That had been until the Xruusk warfleet entered the system on the way to the Cormyral star system. In its wake the warfleet had left Aspea utterly uninhabitable. It had taken the Confederation centuries to get even basic plant life back on the planet and even now the few sentient inhabitants of the world had to remain in domed cities. “Commodore” The feminine voice seemed to simply drift from the walls as the ship’s AI addressed Hieff, “A collection of ships has entered sensor range. Based off of their maneuvers it is believed that these ships do not have hostile intentions.” “Do we know where these ships have come from?” Commodore Hieff inquired. “No sir.” “Hmm… Very well. Have a few of our light cruisers intercept those ships, but keep them out of weapons range. Also send the first contact package.” Hieff ordered. He seemed to contemplate what else to do before adding. “Inform the governor of the situation and let him know that I will deal with our guests.” “Understood, commodore.” The AI responded. “Do you wish for me to try hailing those ships in foreign languages?” “Do it.” “Welcome to the Ospea System. You are in Cormyrean Confederation territory, please state your intentions.” The AI sent to the alien ships in a hundred different languages along with the first contact package. The languages used ranged from what could be found in the Solaran Federation to individual worlds that had been absorbed by the Confederation. [h3][center][b][u]Seraphim-class Assault Carrier [i]Dauntless[/i], Unknown Star System[/u][/b][/center][/h3] “Captain,” Dauntless said, “We have received what appears to be a first contact package from the natives. Beginning analysis now.” “Excellent. Now what do we know about the inhabitants of this system?” Captain Crex inquired. “We don’t have enough information to accurately gauge their technological capabilities” A crewman offered, “however I do not believe they are native inhabitants of this system, which implies that they have FTL technology.” “What makes you say that?” Crex asked. The crewman hesitated for a moment before saying “Thus far we have observed only a small number of population centers and these centers are located in one region of the planet. If they were native to the planet we would expect to see similar population centers all over.” “Hmm… So they are probably colonists. Well then-“ Crex was cut off by Dauntless. “Nuclear weapons detected on the planet’s surface.” Dauntless reported. “By the Living Stars, are they killing themselves off because we’re here?” A crewman asked quietly. “No.” Crex answered. “If that was the case they wouldn’t have tried to communicate with us. If they are colonists then… they must be fighting the natives. Either that or they are in the midst of a civil war. Let us close with the planet and observe the situation. Dauntless, can you inform the… government here of our intentions?” “Yes Captain. Message away.” “What exactly did you say to them?” Crex inquired after a moment. He could feel the ship shake a bit as its thrusters began pushing it bulk towards the inhabited planet. “Ship come. Ship observe.” Dauntless answered. “That was the best you could do?” Crex inquired. “Given that I had only a minute to analyze their communications packet? Yes.” Dauntless responded, sounding a little miffed. “It is difficult to translate complex concepts in languages that our civilization has never encountered before. It is quite possible, in fact, that the word ‘come’ might mean something quite different than it does to us, despite technically meaning the same thing. Crex just let out a long sigh as his ship’s AI finished her small lecture. The damned thing got more temperamental with each day that passed. Still, Dauntless was a useful tool. “Keep communicating with the locals.” Crex ordered. “Make sure they know we mean them no harm.” “I will do the best I can” Dauntless replied.