[hider=William Lockhart] [center][img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly0m76TkTa1r8wqlyo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjFkZGQ2Yi5WMmxzYkdsaGJTQk1iMk5yYUdGeWRBLCwuMA,,/lynzer.regular.png[/img] [i]"If Death comes knocking, just tell him you aren't home."[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=springgreen][b][u]Codename:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Crossfire[/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Nineteen[/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u]Relationship Status:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u]Species:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Mutant[/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Will has not had the prettiest of lives by any means, although it wasn't always that way. Born to two mutants, Lilith and Alexander Lockhart, Will's early years were extremely happy, filled with laughter and happiness. All that came to a rather abrupt halt after the unfortunate night of October 31st, 2004, when an anti-mutant cult swept through town and killed anyone who they believed to be mutants. Miraculously, Will escaped, and was placed in foster care. The next seven years of his life were spent in different houses, always being moved around. His tenure in the system came to an end when he was fourteen, and his powers manifested. He'd been playing with his foster brother, when his temper flared and he sent a disc of bright green, super heated energy straight through a tree. Not many people were willing to take in a young mutant with little control over his powers, and so he took his life into his own hands, and ran away. The next five years of his life were spent on the run. He made his money from petty theft and did his best to control his powers, which worked a little, but not nearly as much as he would've liked. Latour showed up three months back, offering him a place at the school and stopping him from doing something he would've regretted, a debt that he has yet to repay.[/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u] Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Will has golden blonde hair that he keeps spiked up, out of his dark blue eyes. His mouth is always turned up in a perpetual smile, that gives him a mischievous look. His skin is lightly tanned and he's built like a runner, long and lithe. He stands at about 6'1 and weighs 165 pounds, giving him a lanky frame. He normally dresses in flannels and skinny jeans, and some might even describe his fashion sense as grungy. [/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u]Powers:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Will can absorb and manipulate energy. By drawing the cosmic energy out of the air around him, he can release it in super heated discs, that can cut through concrete pillars. When he's using his power, he has rather poor aim and control, and it's possible for him to begin shooting off energy if he becomes upset. [/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/rmpgza.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=springgreen][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Will is your typical jokester, launching off sarcastic barbs at anyone and everyone who leaves themselves open. Most of the time, he doesn't mean them to be offensive, although how they're taken doesn't really bother him. He's used to only looking out for himself and he still has some of the tendencies that come with that, mainly a disregard for other peoples thoughts and feelings. Despite this, he's a friendly person, and easy to befriend. He rarely keeps secrets, thinking that everyone should just be an open book.[/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]- Dogs and Cats - Chess - Spaghetti - Hot Showers - Winning - Hanging out with friends[/indent] [color=springgreen][b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]- Snakes - Losing - Secrets - Trivial Pursuit - Anti-Mutant Protesters [/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrrtuv322c1qbsput.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUChk0lxF44] Victorious - Panic! At The Disco[/url] [i][sub]"Tonight we are victorious Champagne pouring over us All my friends we're glorious Tonight we are victorious Oh-oh-oh, Victorious Oh-oh-oh Double bubble disco queen headed to the guillotine Skin as cool as Steve McQueen, let me be your killer king It hurts until it stops, we will love until it's not I'm a killing spree in white, eyes like broken Christmas lights My touch is black and poisonous And nothing like my punch-drunk kiss I know you need it, do you feel it Drink the water, drink the wine Oh we gotta turn up the crazy Livin' like a washed-up celebrity Shooting fireworks like it's the Fourth of July Until we feel alright Until we feel alright I'm like a scarf trick, it's all up the sleeve I taste like magic, waves that swallow quick and deep Throw the bait, catch the shark, bleed the water red Fifty words for murder and I'm every one of them My touch is black and poisonous And nothing like my punch-drunk kiss I know you need it, do you feel it Drink the water, drink the wine Oh we gotta turn up the crazy Livin' like a washed-up celebrity Shooting fireworks like it's the Fourth of July Tonight we are victorious Champagne pouring over us All my friends we're glorious Tonight we are victorious Tonight we are victorious Champagne pouring over us All my friends we're glorious Tonight we are victorious Oh we gotta turn up the crazy Livin' like a washed-up celebrity Shooting fireworks like it's the Fourth of July Until we feel alright Until we feel alright Tonight we are victorious Champagne pouring over us All my friends we're glorious Tonight we are victorious "[/sub][/i] [color=springgreen][b][u]Extra[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Nada[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Will's Relationships] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjFkZGQ2Yi5WMmxzYkdsaGJTQk1iMk5yYUdGeWRBLCwuMA,,/lynzer.regular.png[/img] [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr6kaiW74J1qk6rrjo1_500.gif[/img] [color=springgreen]{[/color][i]"If you're gonna go down, go down swinging."[/i][color=springgreen]}[/color] [color=fff200]💎 Respects [/color]~*~ [color=0054a6]😶 Neutral[/color] ~*~ [color=8dc73f]♣ Friends[/color] ~*~ [color=00a651]🎶 Best Friends[/color]~*~[color=f26522]🔥 Tense[/color] ~*~ [color=ec008c]❤ Crush[/color] ~*~ [color=92278f]💘 Significant Other [/color]~*~ [color=ed1c24]⚡ Enemies[/color] [hr][hr][/center] [color=fff200]💎[/color][color=springgreen][b]Professor Latour[/b][/color][color=fff200]💎[/color] [i]"The professor saved me. If he hadn't found me when he did, well who knows where I'd be right now."[/i] The professor is special to Will, as he is the one of the few people that Will truly admires. [hr] [color=0054a6]😶[/color][color=springgreen][b]Sophie Blackthorn[/b][/color][color=0054a6]😶[/color] [i]"I didn't even know there was a Sophie at this school."[/i] Will has yet to meet Sophie, and up until now hasn't even heard of her. [hr] [color=8dc73f]♣[/color][color=springgreen][b]Grace Potter[/b][/color][color=8dc73f]♣[/color] [i]"Grace is pretty cool. A bit quiet but once you get to know her, she's alright."[/i] William thinks of Grace as a good friend, and is oblivious to her crush on him. [hr] [color=fff200]💎[/color][color=springgreen][b]Johnny Van Ronk[/b][/color][color=fff200]💎[/color] [i]"I guess if the professor trusts him, he's okay."[/i] Will doesn't know very much about him, but he was one of the first people Latour introduced him to, and he respects him. [hr] [color=0054a6]😶[/color][color=springgreen][b]James Eriksonn[/b][/color][color=0054a6]😶[/color] [i]"I've seen him around, but we haven't really spoken much."[/i] Will hasn't formally met James yet. [hr] [color=0054a6]😶[/color][color=springgreen][b]Lucian Asaunte[/b][/color][color=0054a6]😶[/color] [i]"He seems okay. I haven't gotten the chance to actually meet him."[/i] Will and Lucian haven't formally met yet. [hr] [color=0054a6]😶[/color][color=springgreen][b]Christie Marks[/b][/color][color=0054a6]😶[/color] [i]"Who?"[/i] Will hasn't met Christie yet. [hr] [color=f26522]🔥[/color][color=springgreen][b]Bryson Anderson[/b][/color][color=f26522]🔥[/color] [i]"Oh yeah the crazy kid. I try to keep my distance."[/i] Will hasn't spoken to Bryson much, but the kid kind of gives him the creeps. [hr] [/hider]