[hider=Amanda Szilard] Full Name: Amanda Szilard, nee Loch Alias: Her call sign during her service in RedWatch was “Salamander” Age: 48 Gender: Female Occupation: Former operative in RedWatch’s Rapid Response Team, currently the owner and manager of “Loch and Key”, a popular dockside bar in Hidden Narrows. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/fa/96/9c/fa969c2d0604c4658d389d2d1167ef2b.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: No one in their right mind would call Amanda a “people person”, but hey, she tries. Blunt and very quick to point out the flaws in basically everything, Mandy is pretty fun to talk to once you get to know her. If she likes you long enough, that is. The irascible bar-owner is quick to make assumptions and even quicker to kick you out of her family establishment if you even do so much as drop a plate. Mandy is quite the problem solver and is always quick to take action, both skills that she acquired during her time as a RedWatch officer. Has great faith in the law enforcement agency. Biography: Born and raised in Greenfield to a Scottish family. Was an above average student, her natural athleticism made her enlist into RedWatch. Was hailed as a military genius. Her hard work eventually landed her into the Rapid Response Team, where she would meet her future husband. She relished the excitement and often spearheaded operations during RedWatch’s anti-crime campaign in the 90s. Gained her nickname early into her career when she threw a suspect and herself into the bay after hauling him out of a burning Dock building. Honorably discharged from RedWatch in 2005 when her father died of liver cancer, leaving her to inherit the family business. Now spends her days tending the bar and regaling patrons with stories of her military career. Occasionally longs for the excitement she felt in RedWatch but is generally content with her current lifestyle. Miscellaneous: Married to a currently active RedWatch officer, Maxwell Szilard, who briefly worked in the same squad as Amanda before her retirement. Chose with her husband to not have children. Still in possession of her Rapid Response Team uniform and several firearms, thanks to her husband. They remain unused at the bottom of her closet. Has a flaming salamander tattoo on her inner left forearm as a reminder of the good times in RedWatch [/hider]