[h3]Hellsalem’s Lot - Shotaro and Philip[/h3] Shotaro cleared his throat and chuckled a little at the Barista’s remarks, [color=mediumpurple]”Heh, yeah. She’s holed up inside all the time, so she doesn’t really have a lot of experience with coffee shops.”[/color] That excuse oughta clear things up. He had no idea what expectations the group had to meet in this world, but he was very determined to keep blending into it. Well, with everyone that didn’t matter at least since their first try with it was busted wide open. He pointed over at Saber and continued, [color=mediumpurple]”That girl there is with us too, so you only need her order next ri— Eh?”[/color] Shotaro stopped mid-question as he overheard Saber’s order. [color=lightgreen]”[i]All[/i] of it?”[/color] Philip quirked his eyebrows curiously after hearing Saber’s order. [color=lightgreen]”I’ve heard of sweet tooths before, but this may literally be taking the cake.”[/color] He tapped his chin, smiling now. [color=lightgreen]”How thrilling. But I’m sorry, I don’t think we can afford to take even one of everything.”[/color]