[center][h2][color=dodgerblue]Nathan Hunter[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] "Shoes?" asked Nate as they passed through the door that led to the stairwell. "You're barely wearing clothes." He chuckled slightly at that as he glanced over at the short shorts she was wearing, his eyes lingering for a second on her backside that was currently inches from his face. He actually felt slightly bad about that, but only slightly, and quickly looked away. The smile on his face only lessened but didn't disappear entirely. "Don't worry about it." he informed her as they began to make their way downstairs. "I had one of my guys swing by your place while you were out and pick up some of your stuff for you. It's in the car waiting for you. You should really think about improving your security by the way." Nate practically skipped down the stairs, jostling Jennifer more than was entirely necessary but he kind of enjoyed messing with her. The smile on his face and the chipper attitude belied his true feelings. He was on edge, paranoid even, about what might happen. Nate had a background in special operations for the military. He was used to tense situation. But this felt different. This wasn't some foreign power he was competing against, trying to outwit guys with big guns and bigger egos. This was far more personal. Something was happening with him. Something that he couldn't explain. There was something dark about this and it made him uneasy. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, the door was opened for them by another Nate, who raised an eyebrow when he saw Jennifer on Nate's shoulder but didn't say anything about it. The door led to a quiet and dark back alley, illuminated only by the headlights of a nearby car, next to which stood another Nate. This one did comment on Jennifer's situation. "So we're fleeing the city with a woman in handcuffs while the local police are looking for us...It's just like old times." Nate dropped Jennifer to her feet and replied "First of all, we're not [i]fleeing[/i], we're relocating." "Ooooooh, okay." responded the duplicate with more than a hint of sarcasm. "Second of all," said Nate "Shut up and get in the car." As the duplicate rolled his eyes and complied, Nate turned to Jennifer and added "That goes for you too."