[@Hawksnest565] Brick decided that he would try to remember which plants were which as he and Aya made their way down the hill to the clearing in question. He expected he'd be away from the camp a lot, so there was no reason not to gather what he could (without hurting the plants, of course). Of course, he had no idea how to [i]use[/i] anything of that sort, but every little bit might help. [color=f26522]"I wonder [i]why[/i] they cross the river. Looking for a fight, perhaps?"[/color] Brick shook his head in annoyance. These kids were sounding like wannabe high school 'gangs', screaming for attention. There was sense in her request, but he felt it might not be quite so simple as that - though that might just be his thirst for adventure and heroism speaking to him. [color=f26522]"I won't cross the river unless I have a good reason for it."[/color]