[hider=Hanna/Abyss Walker][center][b][h1][color=92278f]Johanna Stryfe[/color][/h1] [/b] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/1cc2/f/2015/228/8/6/pretty_girl__3_by_nightcorelover124-d95xqkp.jpg[/img] [i][color=92278f][h3]"Perfection by Design"[/h3][/color][/i] [color=92278f][b]Age[/b][/color] 16 [color=92278f][b]Height[/b][/color] 5'5" [color=92278f][b]Weight[/b][/color] 120lbs [color=92278f][b]Hair Color[/b][/color] Dark Brown [color=92278f][b]Eye Color[/b][/color] Light Purple [color=92278f][b]History[/b][/color] [hider]Johanna was born to Alexander and Annabelle Stryfe, who married more so due to circumstance than love. Johanna's father was apparently a genius who was destined for success, until DGO got in his way. He had a constant streak of failure, barely winning enough to secure himself a low paying desk job. Her mother's situation fared much the same, meeting Alexander in the office where they both worked for low pay. They were fond of each other, but not enough to want to marry as immediately as they did. They had only dated for a year before they married and had a child, with the ultimate goal of having that child succeed where they both failed. From an early age, Johanna's parents controlled most aspects of her life. She was to always look, talk, and act in a certain manner, and never reveal any ill will she may harbor towards others. While this might seem like noble parenting, Johanna's parents only wanted their daughter to come off as perfect and likable. If one was to succeed at Purple Crown Academy, they would need to excel in everything, public relations included. Johanna never had time for herself. If she wasn't at school, or participating in some public event at the behest of her parents, she was locked in her room, studying. Her grades had to remain at top levels, or else she would receive punishment. This punishment varied from time to time, though it often consisted of being denied access to food for multiple days. Eventually, Johanna learned to never stray from the commands of her parents. Once Johanna started going to Purple Crown, and started playing DGO, her parent's rules got stricter. Once she returned home, she was to immediately finish all homework and study, following this with several hours of DGO, up until it was time for her to sleep. She was not allowed to have any relationships, as these would require time out from her day, and distract from her schedule. Johanna was allowed to join clubs, as these would only be helpful, but she has yet to join one. If her grades fell below perfect, she would be subjected to punishment. Johanna has always felt overwhelmed by her parent's cruel treatment, but has no grounds to stand against them. She can't really do anything to stop them, so she simply goes along with their plans. They just want her to succeed. She puts on the dull act of pretty miss perfect to succeed as they want her to, but falters under the knowledge that the real Johanna means nothing to anyone. When Johanna first started playing DGO, she focused on being ruthless, attempting to finish every fight quickly to get the most efficient use of her time. She never had time to waste on other people in DGO, so she took on the persona of a silent psychopath who annihilated anyone who attempted to challenge her. She quickly made distinctions between her outward persona and her Abyss Walker persona. Both of these false identities took up a large portion of her thoughts, and she struggled to separate them at first. Of course, both of these shells hid the true Johanna, who was little more than a weak, sad, and bitter girl who just wanted someone to actually care about her, the real her, not the fake Johanna. In the real world, Johanna had to come up with a reason why she didn't disclose her username for DGO. She told many people that the reasoning for this was that just didn't want to unfairly benefit in DGO from her real world popularity. She told people that she was fine at the game, but died pretty often, when in reality, Abyss Walker had only ever died once. If Johanna dies in DGO and her parents find out, she will be harshly punished. Over her time at Purple Crown Academy, Johanna has risen in popularity, being known as "that girl who just can't be THAT perfect" and Abyss Walker has become infamous in DGO for it's ruthless tactics. Though, the stress continued to build on Johanna, with nothing and no one to offload that stress on to. That is, until a few weeks ago. A lot has happened for Johanna Stryfe in the past 4 weeks. She joined the Ivory Masks guild, putting Abyss Walker's psychotic ruthlessness to use as a hired hand. Essentially, players could hire Abyss Walker to help them in some task, be it something mundane, or an entire boss fight, or even assaulting another player. Though, any PvP actions are considered dealings with Abyss Walker, and not the Ivory Masks guild. Abyss Walker's tie to the white guild is rather loose, and she can barely be considered a member. In addition, Johanna told her good friend Hibiki Toho about everything, save for the punishments. Johanna had been friends with the younger girl for several years, but couldn't bear keeping up the lie any longer. Hibiki is the only other person who knows that Johanna is Abyss Walker. Johanna has also been out for the past week with a relatively bad illness, which prevented her from going to school or playing a lot of DGO.[/hider] [color=92278f][b]Personality[/b][/color] [hider] Johanna Stryfe, often just called Hanna, is a sweet, likable girl. She tries to be friendly to everyone, and lift up those in need of a helping hand. While nice, she's still willing to be honest to people, though it's coated in her usual sweetness. Hanna also happens to be rather intelligent, holding some of the highest grades in Purple Crown Academy. It's almost as if the girl has no flaws. She's kind, likable, honest, and smart. The only remotely off aspects of her character are her aversion to relationships and her unwillingness to divulge her DGO name. Yes, she's nearly perfect. Or, at least, she is on the surface. Behind the falsity that is Johanna Stryfe is a sad, stressed, and scared young girl. Johanna is forced to live her life as this paragon of perfection, with no individuality, and no one who actually cares about the real Johanna, not even her parents. Johanna wants to succeed, mostly due to the obedience that was more or less beaten into her, but even more than that she wants to be cared about. She wants to have someone who didn't care about her succeeding, but just wanted to be there for her, as a sort of emotional anchor. For once, Johanna wanted to depend on someone else without having to be absolutely perfect. And then there is Abyss Walker. Within DGO, Johanna adopted a third personality, one that is absolutely, and entirely ruthless. While playing as Abyss Walker, Johanna adopts an entirely different mindset, attempting to block out all the thoughts relating to her miserably perfect life. While playing DGO, she completely becomes Abyss Walker, and stops being Johanna Stryfe. Abyss Walker has only one goal: level up. As long as she does that, everything is just a means to an end. Be it mercenary work, or helping new players beat a dungeon, Abyss Walker will do anything for a reasonable amount of Exp. Abyss Walker is known for her ruthless, and reckless play style, as well as having only ever died once in DGO. Another notable trait is her lack of talking in DGO.[/hider] [hr] [color=gray][b][h1]Abyss Walker[/h1][/b][/color] [color=gray][b]Appearance (Avatar)[/b][/color] [hider=Drawn by VarionusNW][img]http://i.imgur.com/RyrpyC5.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][color=gray][h3]"To fail is to suffer."[/h3][/color][/i] [color=gray][b]Avatar Class[/b][/color] Warrior (Berserker) [color=gray][b]Avatar Level (Initial)[/b][/color] 3 [color=gray][b]Avatar Guild[/b][/color] Ivory Masks [color=gray][b]Avatar Abilities[/b][/color] [hider=Abyssal Edge] Passive ability that equips Abyss Walker with the unique weapon "Abyssal Edge". This weapon cannot be unequipped, but does not restrict Abyss Walker from wielding other weapons. If Abyss Walker would attack with another weapon equipped, Abyssal Edge has a 20% chance to deal damage to Abyss Walker.[/hider] [hider=Crown of Thorns] Abyss Walker has two arcs of black energy, with three rays of energy on each, sprouting from the back of each side of her face-plate. When this ability is activated, Abyss Walker pulls these arcs out (Unlike Abyssal Edge, the blades from this ability deal no damage to Abyss Walker) , holding them from the middle ray, as each arc forms into a full circle with a longer fourth ray protruding from them, as a sort of blade. These blades have a higher base damage than Abyssal Edge, but only last for 30 seconds. If damage is dealt to Abyss Walker while Crown of Thorns is active, an extra 10 seconds is added to this ability's time limit. Crown of thorns has a cooldown of 10 rounds, though this is reduced by 1 round each time Abyss Walker takes damage (this reduction cannot occur while Crown of Thorns is active).[/hider] [hider=Precarious Edge] Passive ability that boosts Abyss Walker's attack speed based on how low her HP is. The chart below shows how much attack speed is gained at for each 1% of health lost. At 1% health, Abyss walker can attack at 5.2 times her normal speed, or a 520% increase. (Note: these percentages are based on Abyss Walkers current max HP. If Abyss Walker's HP were to significantly increase, the percentages would scale. This was just the most understandable way to write it without knowing her exact HP) Health point Percentages| Percentage of Atk speed gained per 1% Health loss 100%-81%| 1% 80%-61%| 2% 60%-51%| 3% 50%-41%| 4% 40%-31%| 5% 30%-26%| 6% 25%-21%|7% 20%-16%| 8% 15%-11%| 9% 10%-1%| 10%[/hider] [color=gray][b]Avatar Perks:[/b][/color] Level 3- Furious Blows [color=gray][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [hider=Abyssal Edge] Unique Energy Weapon. A blade of energy, black in color, sprouts from the side of each of Abyss Walker's hands, continuing in an arc to right before her elbows. From these arcs of energy come three rays of this energy from each arm, which are all of equal length. Abyssal Edge's base damage scales with Abyss Walker's level.[/hider] [color=gray][b]Other:[/b][/color] N/A [/center][/hider]