[hr][hr][center][h1][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Cassandra%20Hope&name=learningcurve_tt.ttf&size=75&style_color=88cdcb[/img][/h1] [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/iz3l21.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Hotel Shikha [b]Interacting With:[/b] Everyone [b]Date:[/b] Early Evening/August 1st, 2016[hr][b]Interaction Tags:[/b] [@Lady Amalthea] [@POOHEAD189] [@Salrynn][/center][hr] Cass had pretty much walked onto the heap of shit bus in a daze, unsure how fit for partying they would all be after riding in this sorry excuse for a bus. She sat in the seat in front of Murphy and Claire and braced herself to fall out of the crackden windows of the bus at any moment. Although Cass [i]did[/i] enjoy the speed that the bus went and she couldn't help but chuckle as she looked back and saw Claire clinging to her big brother for dear life and spouting every curse word she had ever uttered in her life. When they pulled up to their destination, Cass was surprised that Claire didn't kiss the ground like she had earlier but then she probably remembered the warnings of catching parasites from the dirty ground. Cass couldn't help but giggle to herself at the thought of it and was only pulled back into the present by Claire whistling and the sound of her name. Grinning Cass gave a couple of nods and wandered forward towards the hotel as she heard Claire, Murphy and Desh exchanging words. It appeared that Murphy was exactly as Claire had described and listening to the brother-sister duo was as entertaining as Cass had ever imagined. As they moved inside the building she heard Claire squealing and she bent over double laughing at her partner in crime acting like a daft little school girl. Then she realised she wasn't as hot inside the hotel and she looked around and found then air conditioning. Her face looked like the cat that had got the cream. She took a moment to enjoy the cool air from the unit before running forward to where Claire was sitting and she practically sat on Claire's lap, squishing her beneath her frame before shimmying over her and sitting in the corner of the booth beside her. [color=88cdcb]"Sorry pal, y'know I love me a good corner."[/color] She winked at her friend and fell back in her seat laughing, her hands holding her sides at the innuendo. [hr]