[center][h1][img]http://i.imgur.com/8nAHSFh.png[/img][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNTgyODk1ODM1Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjYwOTUxODE@._V1_UY317_CR12,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Control Room [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Jessica ([@FacePunch]) & Jackson ([@SomewhatAverage]) [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Interested → Disgusted → Concered[/center][hr] [center]Jackson nodded at their responses, really he had no other plans either. He thought after this bot fight he would head back to the garden and search for the bird that shocked him. His weekends were usually, training, reading and private ballet sessions. Not really that productive. He looked over his shoulder before starting up his AI,[color=#FFD75B]"Oh he's going up again!"[/color] He cheered with a chuckle. Turning his body to face Jackson he still stayed kneeling as he watched. In the start of the session Harold smiled seeing Jackson wasn't manipulating time so slowly or just stopping it, he's coming out of his comfort zone after witnessing Jessica and Harold. He was performing impressively even without using his ability to the fullest, it looks like another win for little ol' Jackson. Knight's eyes widened slightly as the bot prepared it's wrist plasma cannon, time seemed at it's normal pace, but he became even more interested on how Jack would handle this. Disappointed with only a mere roll he gave his attention to the bot which was already impacting it's robotic fist square on his face. Harold gasped and stood up on his feet, [color=#FFD75B]"It got him good."[/color] He winced as if feeling his pain. If that was Harold he would still stay composed even if he wanted to just go crazy and let out all of his rage on the metal monster. Feeling sympathy for Jackson he wanted to tell him to relax and not get too angered, but he was too late. The way he quickly trudged to the bot as it charged gave the impression he was about to lose his marbles, all of them, they'll just disappear. The mood of the room became tense and uneasy, especially for the two watching. The rapid movement was savage and merciless, truly disgusting for Harold but he didn't turn his head. Forcing the beast -well Jackson could be the one categorized as a beast at the moment- onto the ground and the strikes still advanced onto the clement AI, instead of sympathizing for Jackson Harold pitied the bot. It was worthless, it had no more value, delivering one more jab to counter the assaults, the bot's pitiful love tap didn't stand a chance. After deflecting the miserable punch he still went on punching the poor thing, it was just inhumane. Did he not know it deactivated quite a while ago? Is he making sure? No, he was just releasing his wrath, just because he got one punch in the face. Harold looked down at Jessica's troubled expression and he gave back the same look but also a bit of disappointment, Harold definitely couldn't stay in here after witnessing that. He crossed his arms and stared at Jackson, "[b][color=868324]Well, that's gonna leave a mark,[/color][/b]", this failed attempt at easing the mood made Harold huff. He didn't know why he was so angry, probably because he turned into something evil, something dangerous. And all he had to say for himself was a light joke. [color=#FFD75B][i]Food? Oh she's thinking eating will relax him? Whatever, getting out of here is the only thing I want to do.[/i][/color] He loosened his stance and stopped glaring at Jackson. He sighed trying to find words and construct sentences to convince Jackson to come, hopefully he succeeds, [color=#FFD75B]"Jackson you should come to the cafeteria with us, stepping out of this room might calm you down. What you did was not...okay. You handled it barbarically and it became out of hand, but it's going to be fine. We'll talk it over at the cafeteria, or you can reflect in your lonesome. Company would be a much better option."[/color] Harold's voice was filled with concern, his compassionate trait inching into view.[/center]