[hr][hr][center][h1][color=868324]Jackson Hunt[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hsQiIaa.jpg [/img][hr] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Control Room -> Outside Control Room [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Harold [@Beefydork] Jessica [@FacePunch] [b][u]Mood:[/u][/b] Embarrassed[hr] Jack couldn't help but look back at the fight with a touch of regret. He thought of everything that he could have done to avoid the situation. [i][color=868324]I could've dodged the punch, avoided the plasma cannon properly, maybe even just stayed on the sides and watched the others fight.[/color][/i] Of course, instead he gave the entire room the sort of atmosphere found only in cheery places like prisons or mental hospitals. He was well used to feeling out of place among others, but making others feel uncomfortable made him feel... well, uncomfortable. Luckily for Jack, Jessica seemed to be well prepared for situations like this and spoke up quickly. He was thankful that she gave the offer of breakfast. [i][color=868324]Yeah, forgive me for forgetting to mention that I already ate.[/color][/i] He was about to respond when Harold spoke up, trying to convince him to eat with them. As he spoke, Jack thought of how lucky he was to have walked into the control room with these two. He knew that a good chunk of students at the school, Mayweather and Delphina alike, would probably never talk to him again after a display like this. Worse, some of them might even encourage it. Jack looked at the two waiting for a response and replied, "[b][color=868324]Yeah, I could use a bit of breakfast. I've been starving all morning.[/color][/b]" In reality, Samantha's breakfast was churning in his stomach from revulsion over his last fight. [i][color=868324]Harold's right. There's a difference between fair fighting and cruelty, and it's pretty obvious which category that that fell into.[/color][/i] Jackson walked towards the doors leading out of the control room, but something kept him from leaving. He felt like something had gone unsaid. [i][color=868324]Oh right. It's me. I'm leaving something unsaid.[/color][/i] He took a deep breath before continuing, "[b][color=868324]Um, I'm sorry about that, by the way. I don't really know what happened back there. It's never happened before, and I honestly hope it never happens again.[/color][/b]" If it ever happened again, then he knew that the witnesses might not be so accepting, and Jack didn't want to be known as some cruel person. Still, it felt better to clear the air, even it is was only momentarily. To try and calm himself down, he did a little trick that he had picked up when he first discovered his powers. For a moment, he slowed down time to a crawl and began breathing normally. Just like when air stopped moving when he stopped time, the travel of air slowed whenever he stopped time. With this information, he knew that by focusing on his breathing, it would have the same effect as breathing into a paper bag. He knew that to the others, he must have looked like he was hyperventilating, while in reality, his breathing was actually slowing. When he felt somewhat calmer, he returned time to its regular passage and gave Harold and Jessica a small smile. "[b][color=868324]Well, I'm ready whenever you are.[/color][/b]" He said as he walked outside of the building to begin walking to the cafeteria.[/center]