The whole group introducing themselves after him was certainly useful... though it was obvious to him that Rose knew of his true 'nature'. He gripped Luciel's shoulder a bit tighter as she had winked at him... though it seemed she was in no hurry to reveal what he was to the others which was certainly good. The group went about introducing themselves, Rose went first clearly being a witch, but trying tokemnly to hide that fact. Next was his chosen prey, the little rabbit eared boy introduced himself as Luciel 'The Lost' in his rather strange accent. After him the sqat woman from behind approached and revealed her name was gish, the strange little human like creature with a fittingly strange name. Well, he supposed it was his turn. Although I have already said it, no reason not to again. I, am Ser Victor Guttman, no title to my name but hopefully one may be forthcoming.", he smiled at the little group, all was going quite well... and he liked the sound of this 'Endless caverns' full of riches and power. "Well, now thhat we are all aquainted I believe we should press on no? If these 'Endless caverns' are full of treasure and power I see no reason for us not to seek it, eh Luciel?", he smiled as he tussled the boys hair, attempting to manufacture a relationship between himself and the prey so that when he seperated from the group to feed it would be less suspicious. He turned to Rose, the other important member of the group seeing as she clearly knew what he was, "How much do you know of these caverns Madame Rose? Shall we simply amble in the first direction we can think of, or do you have more of aa path in mind?" Honestly Victor hardly cared, he was certain there were riches to be found and a fight to be had no matter what way they went, be it Drow or other subterranean beasts... possibly even deeper more dangerous and mysterious things may lurk... well, they would never know if all they did was sit around this damnnable fire all day long would they?