Name:Marisa Age:17 Powers:turning into blue butterflies to dodge,floating to ground with 2 or more white butterflies flying around her ,and Hysteria mode is when she is invincible for a limited time. Appearance: [hider=Normal] [img] [/img][/hider] [hider=Hysteria] [img][/img][/hider] Bio:when she was 6,Marisa lost her family by a from fire that she was the only one to escape from. The cause of the fire,unknown,but it mentaly scared her. 10 years in the asylum later,she was taken out and moved to a psychiatrist/orphanage to get cured and forget about the fire,but she was lossing other memories also. Trying to recolect her memories and mind,Marisa soon learned the her doctor was the one who caused the fire. Confronting him,she pushed him infrom of a train to get runned over. Today,she gained powers from her adventure and at the same time,she was looking for somewhere else to live. And thats how she came here now. (How did I do? ^_^')