[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/e3alOfc.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=darkcyan]E L I A N A[/color] , [color=ABB2B9]B E N N Y[/color], & [color=00aeef]C A R M E N[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1Ct9Xan.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FjSKP89.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zz7YYjc.gif[/img] [/center] [center][b][color=darkcyan]Location;[/color][/b] Shooting Range → Gas Station → Going back to school [b][color=darkcyan]Interacting with;[/color][/b] Each other [sub]([@Hippocamp][@AbandonedIntel])[/sub]; First half of collab, anger from Ellie [sub]([@Legion02])[/sub]; Second half of collab, Conversation topic - Jess [sub]([@FacePunch])[/sub] [b][color=darkcyan]Mood;[/color][/b] Distant and amused → Good-natured → Internally excited → Intense → Reserved [b][color=ABB2B9]Mood;[/color][/b] Attentive → Bemused → "a tad bit chill" → Speculative [b][color=00aeef]Mood;[/color][/b] A little nervous → "Woah, Ellie's savage AF!" → Terrified → Awkward → Chilled AF → In thought → Heartwarmed [/center][hr] [indent]An immediate retort exited Eliana’s light pink lips to Benny’s comment about running into ‘someone foul-natured’, “[color=darkcyan]That doesn’t matter now.[/color]” Within time, she may or may not allow herself to talk about this morning’s encounter but for now, she would get a gun in her hand and let all her frustrations go with every shot she took. Rolling her eyes at him calling her ‘cotton-tail’, she glanced back at Carmen, who seemed rather nervous with her being here, “[color=darkcyan]Nice to formally meet you.[/color]” The cold and distant green orbs of the daughter of a renown teacher at Mayweather intimidatingly scanned her, waiting for the darker skinned woman to finish her paranoid request. Cutting her off, Ellie asked if she could be taught how to shoot a gun. While Benny summoned a pistol, she replied to the anxious acquaintance, “[color=darkcyan]That’s the last thing I need. The entire student body ridiculing me because I have a stick up my ass. I already have my mother giving me hell and…[/color]” She was going to say Lucas’ name but decided against it, “[color=darkcyan]...I gathered that this place was important to you.[/color]” Carmen nodded incredulously. [color=00aeef][b]"Yeah... [i]right...[/i]"[/b][/color] She said softly, Eliana still giving her the creeps. [color=00aeef][b]"Yeah, this place is important to me. Keeps me away from all of the bullshit, you know?"[/b][/color] She said. [color=00aeef][b]"Seems like you can use a place like this anyway. Especially when you run into something that's triggering as fuck... use that trigger to pull the trigger."[/b][/color] She looked to Benny for approval before shaking her head. [color=00aeef][b]"Sorry, that was total [i]shit[/i]... I gotta work on that."[/b][/color] She chuckled lightly. Benny didn't give an ounce of approval, and was in fact, as stoic as a stone. He checked the summoned P22 nonchalantly, making sure it would function like a gun should, but not firing it to test. He could see Carmen's shoulders were tense beneath her shirt, and she moved her arms a little stiffly as she gestured like she was known to do. [color=ABB2b9][b]"The range is a great way to let off steam. You can have your choice of laughing with or at Carmen too. Haha, just kidding she's tough so you should laugh with her."[/b][/color] As he said this Benny patted Carmen in the middle of the back with his hand which wasn't holding a handgun. Soon after, he handed the gun over to his pal. Gingerly, Benny took Eliana's headphones and placed them around her neck from slightly behind her, the glasses following resting upon her brow. The pun was cringe worthy to say the least. Chuckling to herself on how Carmen’s confusion and excitement was written all over her face, Ellie shook her head at the sudden change in emotion, “[color=darkcyan]Funny you’re afraid of me calling you out... yet here you are, getting ready to give me that gun.[/color]” Her green orbs glanced at the weapon in the other woman's hand. Carmen shrugged. [color=00aeef][b]"Well, hero-types that are willing to fire guns aren't normally the types to snitch to the authorities."[/b][/color] She said with a soft smirk. [color=00aeef][b]"Besides, I always wanted to teach someone in the art of using firearms. Properly, that is."[/b][/color] She explained as Benny passed the safety glasses and headphones to Eliana. While Carmen explained protocol, the short woman, especially in juxtaposed to both her colleagues, let the magician man put the headphones around her neck and glasses on her head. Taking note of the nice, silver trim on the headphones, she gave Benny a kind smile. Watching Eliana with a smile of his own showing, Benny was pleased she had seemed to pick up on the customization he had made to her gear. He thought he had catered to her tastes pretty well knowing her like he did. And he relished the chance to flaunt his moves a little more. [color=abb2b9][b]"You can hold onto those or we can keep them here in an ammo box for you."[/b][/color] He felt his cheeks rise a few degrees in temperature with a sudden rush of feeling. He hadn't expected that, but he was geniunely very happy that he had been able to offer Eliana that type of gift. Maybe he would do more in the future, if a little selfishly. And then the lesson began as Carmen worriedly insisted to have the rules repeated back to her. Almost like a computer or a public announcement, but with a tad bit of playful sarcasm, Ellie quickly sped through everything that was explained to her from both Carmen and Benny, “[color=darkcyan]Point the gun toward the floor at all times. It doesn’t matter if it’s on safety or not, loaded or not: Gun. Floor. All times. Unless I’m aiming to use it, but until then, we don’t need someone dying while I’m here since guns are [i]figuratively[/i] always loaded.[/color]” She paused to catch her breath and then allowed herself to continue, “[color=darkcyan]The pistol should not be turned sideways, and when I am aiming at a target, I should hold it with both hands, feet spread apart. Once I’m ready to make my move, I can take safety off, but up until that very moment, it stays on and my lovely finger avoids that trigger. And if I were wearing pants, I know better than to use it as a means to hold my gun.[/color]” Taking a moment to look at her colleagues, Ellie gave a smug grin as she held tightly onto the pistol, “[color=darkcyan]I got everything?[/color]” She batted her eyes ‘innocently’. Once Eliana repeated those safety instructions back to her, Carmen put her free hand up with a smirk. [color=00aeef][b]"Woah there with the sass, girl! Sorry to go all Dora The Explorer on your ass but that shit's dangerous."[/b][/color] She said, gesturing to the P22 that was in her hand. [color=00aeef][b]"Can't take any chances, you know? Here..."[/b][/color] Cautiously, the older woman handed Ellie the gun. It was difficult for Benny to tell whether Eliana's confidence was about to be a boon or a bane. She did recite those instructions very well, so all of the information seemed to have arrived at the right place in her head to be applied. [color=ABB2b9][b]"To me you sound like an expert already Eliana. Now you can relax and let Carmen pose you like an action figure... Yeah. Perrrfect."[/b][/color] Benny made a square with his thumbs and index fingers, taking in the profile of shooting-mode Eliana from the side. [color=00aeef][b]"...stand nice and firm..."[/b][/color] Carmen added as she helped Eliana get into firing position. Once that was all said and done, she let Carmen put her in the position she needed to get in, with Eliana slightly making it better. Due to her orderly nature, Ellie was the type of girl who would get everything right the first time. She would not even aim the gun until she felt like her posture and stance was on par. Once she was satisfied with her well formed standard handgun shooter pose, she got ready to [i]finally[/i] take action, “[color=darkcyan]No need for further assistance. I got it.[/color]" Carmen stepped back. [color=00aeef][b]"Alrighty then, Rogue One, if you say so."[/b][/color] She said, folding her arms and keeping her eye on Eliana closely. Ellie's stare focused on one of the cans that her short-term mentor directed her attention to. Her hands were firmly on the gun, her feet were apart, and she did exactly what she was told to do. Since this was her first target, the distance between her and the can wasn't that overwhelmingly, but as her gaze pinpointed the target, she couldn't help but notice a mannequin not too far away. Perhaps, she would shoot at that once she hit the can. It seemed far more exciting to destroy a dummy versus her current subject. The world went quiet, with only the whistle of the air to fill their surroundings. Taking aim, narrowing her gaze to only notice the can, everything else blurring out, Eliana inhaled in and turned the safety off. Her kid-like joy was leaping on the inside but her face was calm, cool, and collected. She was ready. Taking a deep exhale out, she rested her finger on the trigger, and without further ado, Ellie pulled it and a bullet went racing out. [b]*[i]Ping![/i]*[/b] The bullet went straight for the can. It was slightly off, since the freshman girl didn't have the best aim, but it still was capable of making the can fly. Not waiting for Carmen or Benny's critiques, she turned her gun toward the manly mannequin. Her eyes burning with fire, while she bit her lip in concentration. If one was staring at something they absolutely loathed, that would be Ellie as she imagined a man that got her so riled up that she replaced her target with his physique. She was staring at the devil himself. Silence was no longer existent when all one could hear in this general area was: [b]*BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!*[/b]. In this situation, the poor mannequin was getting butchered and could not be saved by the wrath of Eliana Lovelace. She tried to aim for the center of it's head but hit it's chin, next went for it's shoulder but she hit it's stomach, then followed it's nether area but straight to the thigh the metal went. Eight bullet holes pierced the object. When she got to the last bullet, she aimed for the victim's heart. Her hands steadied and her eyes gave a deathly glare. Pushing on the trigger one last time, Ellie studied the man's chest, hoping her bullet would go where she wanted it to go. A small smirk slipped on her face as her last bullet went right through the mannequin's chest. Oh how she felt victorious! It was very noticeable to Benny the way Eliana's eyes narrowed and her jaw tightened as she looked down range, preparing to fire on the male target. Breezy wind hit him full on while the eight shots were unleashed, tossing his trenchcoat up in a dramatic fashion. It was as if the weather knew what the moment indicated... This Eliana harbored a strong resentment for someone. A man, obviously by the looks of things. A resentment enough to wish his body a bit less intact. Now, was this information useful to her dear evil influence? Yes. Yes it was. He knew that when those eyes of hers alighted on whomever was the focus of her fury, he would see that expression again, maybe more knowing the mechanics of her power. Benny stared at the bullet holes briefly with raised brows, noting that Eliana had good accuracy for someone clearly fueled by the red fire of anger. [color=ABB2b9][b]"How did that feel, are your wrists all right Eliana?"[/b][/color] Benny looked over Eliana's hands a little concerned. "[color=darkcyan]Yeah... I'm fine. It was refreshing, I guess.[/color]" The weapon was taken away by Carmen while Ellie moved her wrists around. Her anger dissipated. Carmen, on the other hand, felt a little different about all of this. [i][color=00aeef]Jeezus fuckin' christmas SHIT![/color][/i] She thought to herself, hiding her true expression of terror for just a few moments. She didn't say a word, even as the slide was locked back on the P22. She looked to Benny for just a moment before closing her mouth and walking over to Ellie, gently removing the gun from her hands. [color=00aeef][b]"Alright... I think that's enough shooting for one day..."[/b][/color] Carmen said awkwardly, storing the gun away. [color=00aeef][b]"... is anyone hungry? You look like you could use some Cool Ranch Doritos®!"[/b][/color] She chuckled nervously. After a little, she looked to Eliana and sighed. [color=00aeef][b]"... do you feel better now?"[/b][/color] She asked. [color=00aeef][b]"I honestly hope that was cathartic for you... don't want you to go all Sandy Hook up in this motherfucker."[/b][/color] She said. By now Eliana had finished taking off the shooting equipment and fully supported the notion of grabbing a snack (even though she may have forgotten to answer that question). Like a second nature to her, Ellie grabbed ahold of her hair and braided it, listening attentively to Carmen's concerns and not showing any reactions to her jokes, "[color=darkcyan]Mmhm. It felt nice... I needed that.[/color]" Once her hair was braided, she undid it, having only messed around with it as habit, "[color=darkcyan]Either way, thank you. Both of you.[/color]" Benny nodded a little solemnly. [color=abb2b9][b]"You're welcome."[/b][/color] He absent mindedly made sure his hat was secure on his head, the ominous gusts wouldn't let up. His thoughts projected ahead in time, to when they would arrive at Mayweather. [color=00aeef][b]"Well... alright, good. No problem."[/b][/color] Carmen nodded, taking some of the shooting equipment and the weapons back to the Mustang. Once she walked there, she looked back to Eliana. [color=00aeef][b]"You scare the shit out me sometimes, you know that?"[/b][/color] She sighed, shaking her head. [color=00aeef][b]"Whatever helps you sort your shit out, homegirl. C'mon, there's a backseat here."[/b][/color] He was already so curious as to what could and would happen this year at school. [color=abb2b9][b]"I could still go for the nice grease coated food with a malt beside it. I would also really enjoy being somewhere with cliffs right now. I guess I could walk up for a bit anywhere though, so let's pick wherever."[/b][/color] She turned to Benny, who mentioned the cliffs. [color=00aeef][b]"Yeah we'll head to the gas station, eat there for a bit, and we'll head back to Mayweather. We can go to the cliffs another time though."[/b][/color] Dream Catcher observed the two and gave a simple reply: a soft, yet devious, smirk. Not saying anymore words, she went toward the car. Her bed sounded lovely right about now. [hr][center][i]Gas Station, quite a few miles north of Mayweather campus 15 minutes later[/i] [/center] It was a nice drive through the countryside of Upstate New York, Hudson Valley being a mighty beautiful place to drive through, especially in a Mustang such as that of Carmen's. The Cobra was always a vicious snake of a car, a rapid vehicle that moved fast at a moments notice, and striked fast with an acceleration of 4 seconds in 0-60 MPH. Carmen never wasted any time touting about her car on the way down to the gas station, all while listening to some more [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmptKde3fv8]soothing tunes[/url] on the ride there. Once they arrived, Carmen wasted no time in parking at a comfortable, remote place before getting out to get the snacks for everyone. Before Ellie had a chance to give Carmen money, she watched her acquaintance march inside the gas station. Her father owned a British global hospitality corporation that managed and franchised a wide portfolio of hotels and resorts. To rely on someone to provide something that she could easily afford was a rather selfish thing to do. Unlike most wealthy individuals that Eliana knew, she liked holding hard cash. Not fond of the idea of constantly swiping a card and being desensitized from her spending habits, the heiress of Millennium slid her hand into her purse and pulled out her wallet, taking out a ten dollar bill. She would hold onto it until she was given a chance to give it to Benny's friend. Carmen, being the one with the most cash (or so she thought, since Eliana was wealthy and Benny had infinite money), was the one who took up the duty for buying snacks for everyone. While Carmen got herself a big ol' bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, a bottle of Orange Gatorade and a big bag of Skittles, she also got Benny some limited edition ranch-flavored Funyuns and Eliana some oven-baked Sun chips, along with some Malts and bottled water for both Benny and Eliana respectively. [color=00aeef][b]"So..."[/b][/color] Carmen broke the ice while they strolled back to the car.[color=00aeef][b] "... what's popping, Ellie? What are your awesome powers?"[/b][/color] She asked with somewhat of a genuine smile, wanting to get to know her (and hopefully befriend her). Benny walked in pace with Eliana, not quite keeping up with Carmen's boisterous step. He looked her over, causing their eyes to meet momentarily. She seemed more confused with how to address Carmen's inquiry than interested in having emotion-ridden eye contact with him. He had been hungering for some more of that since the range, having been in small part stunned shortly after her entrance. She smelled... Oh my god. She smelled sort of like a vanilla cake. This had to be the most villainous and manipulative sensation Benny had ever experienced. That... scent. Too... Alluring... Overpowering... Senses... [color=abb2b9][b]"I think Ellie has way too many awesome powers to count. Isn't that right, Carrots?"[/b][/color] Thank the lord I have a swift tongue, thought Benny, in that moment. Carmen's slang would be something Eliana definitely had to get use to. [i][color=darkcyan]My powers?[/color][/i] she thought to herself. That was a loaded question. Oblivious through and through, she didn't think anything of the eye contact she made with Benny. Instead, she thought deeper into the question that was asked, until his voice cut in, having yet another nickname for her. Shrugging to Benny's comment, Ellie vaguely answered Carmen, "[color=darkcyan]The simple version of my powers. I'm an illusionist. I trick the mind on believing a reality I create.[/color]" Before Ellie could continue answering, they entered the car. The track changed to something a [url=https://youtu.be/yRfGG9XxJ3Y?t=2m57s]little more low key and laid back[/url], appropriate for the time being, now that they could relax and eat their snacks. She paused and wondered if her explanation seemed a lot more intimidating than she intended it to be, "[color=darkcyan]As scary as that sounds... I try not to abuse my powers, only using them as means to protect myself and others.[/color]" She decided to end the focus on her and turn the question around, "[color=darkcyan]I have yet to see you in action, Carmen. What are you capable of?[/color]" While she asked the question, the pale skinned girl leaned forward and placed the ten dollar bill on the car console, "[color=darkcyan]Keep it. That's for gas and the snacks. I won't accept it back.[/color]" Leaving the money behind, obviously stubborn as a mule, she rested her back against her seat and drank some of her water. Leaning back in her seat, having handed the snacks out to everyone after they all entered the car, Carmen looked to Eliana before taking a few sips of her sports drink. Hearing that Eliana was an illusionist, Carmen nodded softly. [color=00aeef][b]"Yeah... I could use some of that in my life. I've seen too much of the truth these days... so much [i]hate[/i], [i]oppression[/i] and... [i]suffering.[/i]."[/b][/color] She sighed softly, looking off into the distant skies, seeing the clouds. Once Eliana fully explained herself, however, she nodded and smiled. [color=00aeef][b]"Well... it's kinda nice to know that you aren't using it wontonly either."[/b][/color] She said with a chuckle, and before she could ask any follow-up questions, she was given one herself. [color=00aeef][b]"Hm? Oh, I have the abilitiy to like.... slow time for myself to almost extreme levels, allowing me to drive like an action movie star in thick traffic without even scratching my car, to place insanely accurate shots on my targets and to dodge blows and throw my own in a fight. This power is what most people call [i]Fast Reflexes[/i], but I prefer to call it Reflex Driving, Reflex Shooting and Reflex Fighting respectively. May sound boring and stupid at first, as it's not as flashy as being able to Fly or be Invincible. This does allow me to get fatal headshots with every bullet I fire, make me a serious bitch to fight in hand-to-hand combat, make me quite an amazing race car and getaway driver, allow me to apply good and real first aid to people, and allow me to win timed contests. In other words, it allows me to react to things fast than any human being could."[/b][/color] She grinned lightly. [color=00aeef][b]"I'm pretty sure Benny can vouch for me on this one."[/b][/color] She said before digging into her Doritos and eating quite a few. Seeing the ten dollar bill slapped on the middle console, however, she looked at it. [color=00aeef][b]"Oh shit, well... thanks. You didn't have to do that."[/b][/color] She said with a soft and genuine smile, taking the money and pocketing it. With a raised brow, Eliana opened her sun chips bag and conscientiously listened to Carmen. Always one to take in the information around her, never one to provide unless necessary. Lightly, she muttered, "[color=darkcyan]Fast reflexes, hm.[/color]" Before she grabbed a chip, she gleefully joked, "[color=darkcyan]I'd love to see you and Jess go at it in the Control Room. Pure strength vs. Reflexes of the gods. That would be one hell of a battle to see.[/color]" With a light, almost cutesy giggle, while she thought about her friend, she simpered, "[color=darkcyan]We all can agree that you two are some of the more badass women on campus.[/color]" Subsequently, the younger woman grabbed a chip and took a small bite, trying to not be terribly loud. By minor observation, one can tell that Ellie was brought up to be a lady (even if this morning with a certain someone, her 'lady-side' got kicked out the door). [color=00aeef][b]"Oh, Jess? Superwoman? I think she'll turn my bones into dust!"[/b][/color] She laughed. [color=00aeef][b]"I'm not gonna bother messing with her but I'm pretty sure that even if I try to punch her, I'll probably break my fists."[/b][/color] She chuckled a little before taking out a few chips, crunching down on them and licking her Dorito fingers clean of salt and flavor residue from the chips. [color=00aeef][b]"But yeah... I can see why that would be the Battle of the Century."[/b][/color] She said with an amused grin. [color=00aeef][b]"And... it's pretty cool to know that I'm the second most badass female in the school. Not bad for a new kid unfamiliar with all of this if you ask me."[/b][/color] She said before finishing the rest of her chips, wiping away the Cool Ranch flavored filth from her fingers before tossing all of her trash in a small plastic Kroger bag. [color=00aeef][b]"Throw all of your trash in here... You can hand your trash to me, Ellie, if you can't reach it from there."[/b][/color] Benny speculated a little about whether Carmen or Jessica Sterling would win a skirmish in the control room. From what he knew about Sterling's power, she was very strong and also durable. He had no idea what sort of firepower it could take to hurt her. [color=abb2b9][b]"Maybe I could take on Jessica, if Kryptonite works on her..."[/b][/color] Benny thought back to the last time he had used his acquisition to retrieve a volatile substance, and realized he didn't have anywhere to leave behind even a contained radioactive substance like Kryptonite besides Carmen's car... So he didn't take any out of his coat to demonstrate. [color=abb2b9][b]"I would show you that right now, but it's fairly dangerous... Those guys in the comics holding it in their hand is such a joke."[/b][/color] Benny crunched on his Funyuns exuberantly, making a small uproar with each bite, but not chewing loudly afterward. He also drank the malt through two straws at once dutifully, polishing it off rather rapidly. He was far overdue for a semi-compulsion fueled eating session. [color=abb2b9][b]"I love this malt flavor... Thanks for picking that up."[/b][/color] It was, of course, a vanilla malt he was suckling at. [color=00aeef][b]"Oh, no problem! Anything for my homeboy."[/b][/color] Carmen said with a smile, going in to fist-bump Benny. [color=00aeef][b]"I seriously doubt that miss Sterling's from Krypton... and I doubt Krypton exists in the first place... though with freaking people with all kinds of crazy powers here I guess [i]anything's[/i] possible at this point."[/b][/color] She shrugged. [color=00aeef][b]"The only explanation I got for my own powers was that it was a gift from God or some other cosmic shit like that, granted to me in order to bring order to this chaotic world or some shit."[/b][/color] She sighed. [color=00aeef][b]"I don't know... I'm still trying to figure it out as I go along, really. Either way, I'd rather not find out what it takes to beat Superwoman. Again, I don't want her to pound me into a bloody pulp in order to find out."[/b][/color] She said with a soft chuckle. Dream Catcher kept to herself as the other two discussed whether or not they could take down Jessica. She took this time to close her chip bag and use one of her hair clips attached to her bag to fasten it closed. Placing it in her purse, Ellie wondered why people, including herself, were rather critical on themselves to the point that they would let their thoughts hold them down because the odds seemed against them. Even 'Superwoman' has her weaknesses. There was a brief moment of silence where Ellie could let her voice chime into the conversation. Clearing her throat, she encouraged, "[color=darkcyan]You both should give yourselves more credit.[/color]" Her gaze went to the window to watch a stranger walk by, "[color=darkcyan]In my opinion, it doesn't matter what kind of power you have. As long as you know how to use it and you take the time to understand your opponent and your surroundings, there's always a chance you can win.[/color]" Carmen looked into the rearview mirror, seeing Ellie. [color=00aeef][b]"Well... thanks, that's actually a little helpful."[/b][/color] She said with a gentle smile, and a little blush. She looked ahead, back onto the road. [color=00aeef][b]"C'mon, let's go home before I start having suicidal thoughts."[/b][/color] She half-joked, starting the Cobra and putting it into gear. [color=00aeef][b]"Alright, buckle up so the state troopers don't get us."[/b][/color] She said with a smile, soon driving out from the parking lot of the gas station and out onto the wide open road, heading back home to the Mayweather Campus.[/indent]