[quote=@xiaomiau] Misha stood up and threw her hands into the air. "Destin!" she yelled, then cursed herself. She took a deep breath in and broke into a run after him. She struggled to keep a hold on the rage and accusations she was so tempted to submit to, but if Destin - the reasonable one - wasn't being reasonable, she wasn't going to be reasonable, either. She launched herself through the woods after him, ignoring the branches that slapped her as she weaved through them. [/quote] Destin, being completely unreasonable runs towards the river. He [i]HAD[/i] to see if Aya was there. He didn't give a flying hoot anymore if he got punished. He needed someone, anyone, to talk to. Someone who understood his struggle. Understood how hopeless he felt, how he knew everyone was going to die. And it was his fault. His fault those herbs burned.