The grip on Luciel's shoulder worked a wince from the chimera as the armored fingers kneaded at one of his bruises. It was, it [i]wasn't[/i] the sting of a thrown shoe could be invoked so simply by a heavy hand. The way Victor reacted to the woman's looks struck Luciel as being a bit odd as her smile seemed enviously genuine on top of a playful wink. Where anyone else, even the antisocial creature in Victor's grip, would feel even the slightest bit of reassurance, the knight appeared uneasy. It was more aristocratic tact, she knew something and knew Victor knew what she knew, that much was obvious. However, it was his behavior in response and the dull ache resonating from Luciel's shoulder that gave cause to worry what kind of information it could be. Regardless of the context of their exchange, Luciel had no intention of being further harmed by humans caught in the emotional heat of conversation. A casualty of lingering passions, he was free from such pointless exertions and was not about to let himself be dragged back. "Zeht hurts, you know" They grumbled, reaching to pull the hand off before it lifted to tussle his hair. The shift was a bit surprising as he froze, the gauntlet scratching at the base of his ears as hair fell down his face. Quickly recovering, Luciel swatted at the hand with his own two in a flustered manner before going to work finger-combing the wavy mess back to the way he liked it. In the effort, he almost dropped the cloak which didn't have any means to be fastened as to hold itself up. "P-please do not do zeht, Sir Guttman" he growled, the shake still in his voice and a light blush slightly obscured by the tapestry. Their ears stood up with a small jingle of the chain at the mention of adventuring deeper into the cave. Luciel's plan had been to rest a day before moving on, but the logic of remaining in the cave began to settle in. Outside, the world might swallow him up at any moment, a single human with the notion of greed could have him back in irons, but this small group didn't seem to have such intentions. On top of this, the idea of power was tempting as the strength to protect himself was worth more than his preference of being alone. Sir Victor and Rose appeared to be accomplished in their craft, and the opportunity to claim treasures for himself would almost certainly present itself. "If zee halls are endless, zehn vould it matter?" Luciel asked in response to Victor's question regarding which way they should go, a bit more energy in his tone as he started to warm up to the idea of being a part of the group. He then suggested, mostly out of the anxiety of standing around in the light, "Vee need only take zeh first steps"