[quote=@xiaomiau] [IM SORRY I USED A BAD WORD] [@Fionraella] Misha finally caught her breath and managed to right herself. She stared at Destin's slow walk, his hung head. "Destin.." she said slowly, taking a small step forward. Her mind raced with apprehension. The boy's distress set off sirens in her brain as she considered - and fought [i]not[/i] to consider - the possibilities of what had happened and what would happen as a result. She frowned, then shook her head. [i]Get a grip, Mish'[/i]. "This is a shit time to freak out and run away, kid." She stared at him critically. [/quote] Destin shrugs. "We're all going to die now anyway. I literally don't give a shit." He then falls to his knees, wailing. He never EVER swore. Never even said "crap". He buries his face in his hands. "IT was [i]my[/i] lantern! I left it and it caught fire and burned all my herbs! And now we're all going to die and it's all my fault. JUST LET ME DIE!"