[quote=@xiaomiau] Misha's blood froze. She scrambled to the edge of the bank. She could see Destin in the water, but she still wasn't wearing a jacket and knew jumping in herself would probably kill both of them. Still, she had to do something. She felt a wave of guilt wash over her, choking her until she felt her hands shaking. She struggled to her feet and launched herself down the river side, trying to find a shallower slope on the river bank so she could help him. "Destin," she choked, clenching her fists. [i]What the hell is wrong with me?[/i] [@Fionraella] [/quote] Destin's little, cute, adorable body, was ravished by the waves. He hadn't anticipated the rocks, and one hit his side pretty hard. He tried to cry out in pain, but only bubbles came out. Lungs bursting, he kicked his way to the surface, coughing and spluttering as his head breached. "Misha help!" He cries out, before a wave washes over, pulling him back under.