[@Azereiah] The bottom of the hill sloped down into a little clearing populated by bushes with healthy green leaves. Aya couldn't help but smile in delight at the situation of the plants. "Oh, look! I thought for sure there'd be less than this with the cold this year. I guess the forest is going to be a little more giving to us this year." Despite Brick's large stature and obvious skill with the sword, she still looked to him for some recognition of their healing property in his eyes. It was hard being the only healer. She quickly thought back to camp and hoped that nobody had managed to hurt themselves within the time they'd been away from camp. "You bet they do..." Aya replied to his question. "Those that like fighting tend be on that side of the river. Their leader is, well, he's pretty mean. At least I hear." She looked slightly annoyed at his suggestion. "If you truly find a good reason to cross, it better not end up with you in the medicine tent."