[center][color=1E90FF][hr][hr][h1]Emmett Warde II[hr][hr][/h1][/color][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2fpctUU8KI]Kai Engel - Somnolence[/url][hr][h3][I]The Desert at Dusk[/I][/h3][hr][hr] [/center][indent] Being cursed at didn't set Emmett off, nor did being called a boy. But the one thing that did knock Emmett off his rocker was when she snatched away his bag from the sand. That was his, she was not suppose to put her hands on it, in any circumstance. And with his current mindset, Emmett was in a far worse condition than often. Because usually, Emmett's downfall is his pride and persistence. His deviance shone brightest when firelight with a temper. Yet, it was not an outburst that he released, no he had his way of letting his anger get right down under his skin and up to his lips, infecting each word with venom. Emmett realized his best option right now was deny, deny, deny. She did not have proof of his usage, she just has proof of him carrying it. All he had to now was be creative. With his arms crossed and a callous dark tone Emmett spoke, [color=1E90FF]"I don't know what you are talking about, [I]ma'm[/I]. All I see is a flower..."[/color] Ignorance is bliss because playing stupid always gets him out of trouble, well it always did with his mother. Something tells him Grace is a bit harder to trick. He was deceptive in that way, to him, he believed sometimes having to lie in order to protect what and who you care about the most is just as good as telling the truth. [color=1E90FF]"Go ahead, stomp a heel on the thing."[/color] He said it so carelessly like he actually meant those words, but he was quite he actor sometimes. Of course, he didn't actually believe that Grace fell for anything he was saying, in fact probably more pissed that he would be lying to her face. But he was not going to admit it and even more than that he was not going to beg her for anything.[color=1E90FF]"It's just a flower I found, so I thought of Floure. I guess this is what happens to me when I try being cute and romantic with a gift. I didn't know I’m not allowed to pick flowers."[/color] Maybe bringing Floure up was not such a good move on his part, as it may seem as if he is corrupting her on Grace's terms, but he made a more plausible story with Floure involved, especially if Grace caught an eye of their locked lips. He understood that he may lose himself in the morning if he did not inhale the addictive substance, but he was not going to lose to Grace. Playing stupid, makes her look stupid, even when she decides to tattle on him with the rest of the group, Emmett will rewind what he had just said. Emmett rarely drinks because he knows how easily drunk he can get, so how are they going to believe he would get himself high. If he could be this cunning on the battlefield, his perfectionist self would be a little bit more proud. When someone's yelling at you just act calm and it makes them look crazy. Sure, he's dying to going berserk and have an attempt to chew her out, but again, playing stupid suited him better, it always did. Emmett started pacing forward, kicking thin branches that stood in his path. He didn't care about getting his pack anymore. Stopping in his tracks, [color=1E90FF]"Can I go now? Or are you going to accuse me about something else? No maybe you’re going to give me a good thrashing so I can [I]learn[/I] my [i]lesson[/I]?"[/color] The last question was not even really question, just him speaking in sarcastic chippy mockery. He smirked, brushing her off. [/indent]