[hider=Ayah Cadeyrn] [b][NAME][/b] [indent]Ayah Cadeyrn[/indent] [b][GENDER][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][AGE][/b] [indent]16[/indent] [b][APPEARANCE][/b] [indent][img]http://picmia.com/img/1088893.jpg[/img][/indent] [b][PERSONALITY][/b] [indent]Ayah is a very kind hearted person. She wants to do the best for people, but she never wants people to know that its her when she does good deeds. She is very thoughtful and thinks miles more than she speaks. Ayah isn't a true introvert though. She enjoys laughing and joking with others. She usually only interacts with others when the topic is not very serious. She becomes quiet when more serious matters come up. It's not that she doesn't have thoughts on the matter, it's that she doesn't want to say the wrong thing when it comes to it. However, Ayah is also very down on herself. She is always worried about being good enough, but she's very good about restraining herself. Ayah is a bit clingy when it comes to any type of relationship. With friends, she always wants attention and gets a bit jealous. The same goes to most close relationships. While she's good at hiding most of this, there are times where things build up to the point of bursting. She'll end up spilling some of her skewed thoughts despite knowing that they are incorrect.[/indent] [b][BACKSTORY][/b] [indent]Ayah's parents were both very strict with her. She always needed to maintain her grades, and she was thrust into a variety of extra curricular activities. All of which she was expected to do to the best of her abilities. The only one that ended up sticking was martial arts. However, while her parents were strict, Ayah's grandparents were the kindest, most selfless people. Ayah found comfort in her grandparents whenever her parents seemed to be against her (which was quite frequently). Everytime she'd be reassured with the fact that her parents were only harsh because they wanted the best for her. So Ayah learned to empathize with those around her. Ayah's parents were never big on her quirk. They always chastized her whenever she would use or fool around with her quirk. They discouraged her from becoming a hero since they thought she wasn't suited to it. They also thought that it was an unreliable job that didn't pay well unless you were lucky. However, Ayah decided to become a hero anyways since she so desperate to help others and her grandparents encouraged her to be a hero. Ayah still lives with her parents, though they are still bitter about her choice of work, they are happy that she got into such a prestigious school. Her grandparents unfortunately died before she was informed that she had made the academy. However, Ayah has moved on and works hard for their sake. She currently is trying hard to built up her physical strenth as well as practicing different moves with her quirk.[/indent] [b][QUIRK][/b] [indent][b]Vulture[/b] - Ayah's quirk, Vulture, allows her to grow grey and white [url=http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/7791754/2/stock-photo-7791754-wings.jpg]wings[/url]. These wings, when not in use take the form of a large [url=http://tattootodesign.com/wp-content/uploads/back_tattoo_of_angel_wings_woman.jpg]tattoo[/url] on her back. Her quirk also allows her to grow durable claws. However, this only activates when Ayah's energy is lower than half. It also automatically activates when she is nearing death as a form of self preservation. However, her quirk simply allows Ayah to fly and have claws, her physical power is not enhanced in anyway. Therefore, she is only as good as her power is without her quirk. This is why she took up martial arts.[/indent] [b][SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES][/b] [indent][b]Fight Me[/b] - Ayah's been taking martial arts for as long as she can remember. She is quite skilled in many different forms of martial arts, but specializes in Akido since she doesn't have as much muscles. Akido redirects an opponents energy and momentum to one's advantage. However, she does try to increase her strength and does very well in other martial arts as well. [b]Swordsmanship[/b] - As a part of her martial arts training, Ayah practices fighting with bladed weapons. She absolutely loves practicing with more obscure weapons. Therefore she's better with those. However, she is not as good in this area of her training. [b]Feather Flury[/b] - Ayah is able to generate a flury of feathers and wind by pounding her wings hard and letting her feathers shead. It's a good blinding technique and the feathers can also cut/stab her opponents if the sharp quill part hits correctly. [/indent] [b][LIMITS][/b] [indent][b]Activation Energy[/b] - Ayah can only use her quirk after her energy has been depleted to lower than half. This prevents her from using it right away in a fight, and usually gives her an advantage in a long winded battle. This makes endurance training a bit of a double edged sword since it increases the time that she needs before she can activate her quirk, but it also allows her to use her quirk for a longer period of time. [b]Prey on the Weak[/b] - When nearing death, Ayah's quirk will automatically trigger. This causes more energy to be used. This is a bit of a backfire from her quirk since it is trying to preserve her from death, but is hurting her in the process. [b]Recharge[/b] - After using her quirk, Ayah needs time to recharge. She isn't sure of her exact rate of recharge. However, after an automatic trigger or extensive use of her quirk, she can passout. This doesn't happen often, but when it does it knocks her out for at least a 3/4th of a day.[/indent] Courtesy of Zeroth: her claws can be as sharp as combat knives, and her top flight speed (which she has to gradually work up to after liftoff) is 120 kmh (around 75 miles per hour) horizontally and that a dive can take her up to 200 kmh (a little under 130 mph). So while her power takes a while to activate and doesn't increase her strength, she can at least move quickly in the air and defend herself if her weapons are disarmed.[/hider]