[hider=Sam][img]http://i.imgur.com/Py2xbQD.png[/img] [color=8882be][b]Name:[/b][/color] Samantha Juliet Knoll "Sam" [b][color=8882be]Age:[/color][/b] 20 [b][color=8882be]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=8882be]Sexual Orientation:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=8882be]Mutation:[/color][/b] Omnilingualism and Intangibility. [b][color=8882be]Personality:[/color][/b] Don't let her sweet face fool you. Sam is stubborn, strong willed, and intelligent. She is a cynical badass, and doesn't put up with shit. She does not warm to strangers easily, and appears afraid of nothing. She controls her emotions within herself, and in some ways she is [i]slightly[/i] detached from her emotions. Sam appears even tempered, controlled, and emotionally distant, until she [i]lets you [/i]truly get to know her. She is a secret bleeding heart, and takes the suffering of innocents personally. If one pays special attention they can see that side of her throughout many of her actions. Sam is very smart, and is particularly tuned into numbers. She loves books, and movies, a way to escape into her mind to a fantasy world. She is the protector of people she loves, extremely loyal, and always has their back. She is organized and has an excellent attention span. Over the years since her powers manifested she has become more sly, blunt, and uncompromising. [b][color=8882be]Bio:[/color][/b] Samantha was adopted by the Knoll family when she was three years old. The story before her adoption goes like this. She was born in Boston to a stripper named Crystal Byrne. Her father was Crystal's on and off again boyfriend Daniel Uccello. He was an abusive drunk, who made money dealing drugs. She also had an older half-brother named Marcus, who was seven years old at the time she was born. Nine month after she was born, Daniel got busted selling drugs and was haled off to prison, where he would later die after being stabbed to death for pissing off the wrong people. Crystal turned to prostitution to pay the ever growing pile of bills. By the time Sam was two years old, her brother was the only one caring for her. Crystal would disappear for days at a time leaving Marcus and Sam alone to fend for themselves in the roach infested apartment they called home. Crystal had became addicted to drugs, and her primary goal in life was how to get her next fix. Marcus went to school dirty, and hungry. The free school lunch was the only place he could get a hot meal, and everyday he would stuff his pockets with food from his tray to bring home to Sam. Unfortunately the school turned a blind eye to the blatant neglect. A few weeks before Samantha's third birthday, Crystal had left and never came back. Marcus and Sam lived off saltine crackers, beer, old Halloween candy, stale fruit loops, tap water, and whatever he brought home from school. It went in like this for the next two weeks. The landlord came knocking since the rent was late, and found to dirty malnourished kids living in squalor. The authorities were called and Marcus and Sam were put into a foster home. After a few weeks of investigation, they matched the body of a Jane Doe to Crystal. She had died of a heroin overdose in an alley only three blocks away from the apartment. Marcus's biological father flew back from his tour in Iraq to get custody of Marcus. Sam on the other hand was left in foster care, as both of her parents where dead and she had no relatives to speak of. Fortunately she was quickly adopted by the Knoll family a few months later. And they changed her name from Mercedes Aleeah Byrne to Samantha Juliet Knoll. Being only three years old when she was adopted, she does not really remember anything from her first few years of life. And so Samantha grew up in Providence RI, living a simple happy life. Richard her new father was a mixed martial artist who ran his own gym, and Lucy her new mother was a music teacher at the local high school. She even gained two new older brothers named Jake and Lucas who was her protectors, and best friends. They all lived happily in a three story town home. Her bedroom was her favorite place with its powder blue walls, a canopy bed, and huge doll house her father built for her. Her parents sent her to the private catholic school, her summers were spent in Michigan at the cottage on the lakes, and Christmas was always at the Plaza in Manhattan. Her Omnilingualism was apparent early on, as she was found speaking fluent french with the next door neighbors grandkids who where visiting from Paris. She could read the Chinese symbols on the takeout menus, and became good friends with the new girl at school, who could only speak Spanish. No one ever linked this to being a mutant. Her parents just assumed she was a little genius. When she was eleven years old her family was in a car crash. Her parents died instantly and Jake was left a vegetable in a coma. Lucas blamed himself as he had been the one driving, and committed suicide a few weeks after the accident. Her happy life was seemingly over. The death of her parents led to a whole life change for Sam. Her father's parents became her legal guardians, but they lived in Germany. Her Grandparents only came to stay with her until the house was sold, Jake was taken off life support, and the funerals were held. They quickly decided that it was best that Sam staid in America, so she was sent to live with her Mother's younger sister Diana in Las Vegas Nevada. Living in a cluttered 5th floor walk up in Vegas, above a bar, with her hipster Aunt Diana was very different from the life she had been living. Going to public school was nothing like her old school, she missed her friends, her old house, her city, and most of all her family. Diana was an aspiring musician, who worked as a maid, and bartender to pay the bills, so she was not home much to take care of Sam. When Diana was home she was ether sleeping or playing music with her band in the living room until late into the morning hours. Diana was a nice to Sam, but responsibility for anyone other then herself seemed impossible for the woman. By middle school she had learned to how to cook, clean, shop, use the public bus, and she could basically take care of herself. She even had a part time job at the flower shop down the street from her school. Living on the bad side of town in a dangerous neighborhood Samantha was lucky to know a thing or to about fighting. When she was fourteen Aunt Diana was diagnosed with breast cancer, and Sam became her caretaker for the next two years until she died. Samantha felt alone in the world, and a few days after her aunt's funeral her Intangibility powers manifested. She was only sixteen, so the state placed her into a foster care group home for girls. The place was like a prison, and most of the girls there where what some would label politely as [i]troubled[/i], but more correctly put they were violent delinquents, with major issues. Four months into her stay and Sunshine Home for teen girls, Sam was pretty sure she was going nuts, as small parts of her would randomly go through solid things. One of the group home staff explained to her that she was a mutant, and that it was best to not tell or show anyone what she could do. After some intense googleing she was even more freaked out. One day three girls decided to teach Samantha a lesson by ganging up on her in the bathroom to kick her ass, all because Sam narked on them after she heard them talking about their plan to burn the place down. She did the best she could defending herself, but she was quickly knocked to the ground and the girl proceeded savagely to kicked her. Survival skills kicked in and for the first time she went completely Intangibility and fell through the floor into the basement. She high tailed it out of the place after that. She spent two years living on the street in LA. Once she was 18, and legally an adult she was able take the GED. She passed it with flying colors, and then got a job as a waitress at a diner. She rents a tiny cheap studio apartment, and has no idea what to do with her life. [b][color=8882be]Other:[/color][/b] She is a vegetarian. [/hider]