The Milano was now moving once again. He could feel the thrumming of the engines and the sudden sense of vertigo as it began to speed away from the station. Current mission was accomplished, as far as he was concerned. All hostiles dead, and the crew, or what was left of them, were presumably back upon the ship. He still stood at a ready stance, his custom commando blaster rifle still held out as if ready to kill. The Bounty Hunter began to creep back towards the back of the undership, until he heard something. A voice inside the next corridor. Sol'id's expression could not be seen behind his visor, but one would have imagined it might show some recognition as two probe droids floated out of the crack between a door. The door opened no further, and from what he could tell, it was stuck. There was a man behind it as well. Sol'id knew he couldn't avoid detection or the like, so he stood there with his gun at the ready as the droids scanned around him. He had nowhere to go, and wouldn't even if he did. All of the dead troopers. The crew would come looking for him eventually.