[center][h2][color=ed145b]Rio Andersen[/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WZb20NinCs&index=5&list=PLU4ktq2pWONtJ7o5pLZyWJc88nttIzMKx]No Way Out[/url][/h2][/center] Not a moment too soon, Maria approached me and asked if we could explore together. Now to be frank, I was a little, actually no, I was VERY skeptical of her action...How do I know she won't lead me into a secluded place somewhere in the building and kill me right then and there? No, I shouldn't draw conclusions from my own doubts. Besides, I might manage to learn a thing or two about this devout, I've been so caught up with my work that I barely forgot that religion was a thing. Yikes, if my auntie heard that she would've killed me! Maria mentioned something about her monastery having hidden tunnels from underneath and quite frankly, that was something I didn't know of! Huh, I'll have to put [i]"Monasteries"[/i] among my places to visit once I get out of here, of course my priorities being Italy and Japan, but I digress. I nodded to the nun, trying to keep an upbeat attitude, besides, if she was such a stickler for her sacred rule book then she probably won't hurt a fly...Emphasis on [i]"probably."[/i] [b][i][color=ed145b]"I didn't know monasteries had that, but you're right. Let's move out."[/color][/i][/b] I said, while exploring the huge building. After exiting the Gym, I booted up my card to see what destination we should head to first. In a friendly manner, I asked the devout where we should start. One of the most obvious choices would be the Junk Room, probably hidden among piles and piles of garbage no doubt. A restroom could also work, but with the two of us being female, we won't be able to explore the boy's room for any possibility of said hatch and/or exit. Although, it could also appear in places where one would least expect it...Say, the bathhouse! Maybe there's some sort of tunnel that's hidden underneath the hot spring! Nah...That sounds way too far-fetched.